17 January 2020


‘ Time in the Word’ By Clayton Adams Every person has events and experiences that lead to a transformation. Transformation can come in the ...
Church Announcements

Church Announcements

Send church items to wmtimesclerk@gmail.com by 10 a.m. Wednesday. The deadline for faxed items and hand-delivered items is Tuesday; the fax nu...
20 December 2019
Time, Time, Time

Time, Time, Time

‘Time in the Word’ By Clayton Adams The apostle Paul wrote, “But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son , born of a wom...
‘The Reason for the Season’

‘The Reason for the Season’

Poem & Story Submitted by Carol Little “The people walking in darkness will see a great light. Upon those dwelling in the land of the sha...
Church Announcements

Church Announcements

Send church items to wmtimesclerk@gmail.com by 10 a.m. Wednesday. The deadline for faxed items and hand-delivered items is Tuesday; the fax numb...
13 December 2019
Giving Gifts

Giving Gifts

‘Time in the Word’ By Clayton Adams I still remember a special gift I received for Christmas, 1968. My family was living on the Biloxi, Missi...
Church Announcements

Church Announcements

Send church items to wmtimesclerk@gmail. com by 10 a.m. Wednesday. The deadline for faxed items and hand-delivered items is Tuesday; the fax n...
06 December 2019
Who Are You?

Who Are You?

‘Time in the Word’ By Clayton Adams “Who Are You?” The superstar rock group The Who made this song famous and many people recognize it as...


Church Announcements...
22 November 2019
Our Misunderstandings

Our Misunderstandings

‘Time in the Word’ By Clayton Adams Malcolm Gladwell’s latest book; ‘Talking to Strangers - What We Should Know About the People We Don...
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