03 January 2020


Serving Arkansans:  Let Me Help You

Serving Arkansans: Let Me Help You

From U.S. Senator John Boozman Helping Arkansans with problems they have with federal agencies is a top priority for me. When Natural State resid...


Minimum wage hike comes with a price

Minimum wage hike comes with a price

By Michael Coulter As you are well aware, Ralph, Crittenden County workers employed in the many minimum wage jobs in the area, such as peddling h...


Minimum wage hike comes with a price

Minimum wage hike comes with a price

By Michael Coulter As you are well aware, Ralph, Crittenden County workers employed in the many minimum wage jobs in the area, such as peddling h...



Bible verse

Bible verse

And he said,Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, wh...




Goals for the New Year

Goals for the New Year

‘A Minute with the Minister’ By Jeremy Thornton “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” (Ph...


Women Must Get on Board in 2020

Women Must Get on Board in 2020

‘A Political View’ By Sherry Holliman In today’s time women are not chosen to serve on paid boards as men. They are less likely to serve on...


Transformation in the New Year

Transformation in the New Year

Church ‘Time in the Word’ By Clayton Adams Transformation of a person can happen over a period of years or in the blink of an eye. Naomi...


Why should God let you into Heaven?

Why should God let you into Heaven?

‘Preacher’s Point’ By Tim Johnson Without getting into a sizeable theological debate on the several different judgments the Bible talks abo...
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