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ARIES (March 21-April 19):

Gather information and prepare your case, and you will feel confident that you can turn one of your dreams into a reality. Preparing a proposal for an interview or touching base with someone who can assist you in getting ahead will help you excel. Focus on what you can do, not the impossible. Call on those you know will pitch in and help. Offer peace and love, and you’ll temper any hostility you encounter. Take care of your responsibilities and move on to more enjoyable activities. What you do for others will make you feel good and set a trend that keeps paying joy forward.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20):

Think about what you want to convey before sharing your feelings. Choose your words wisely, and offer peace and love, not division and chaos. Set the pace and keep life simple. A change someone makes will be a telltale sign of what’s to come. Be ready to take control and tie up loose ends. Emotions will be close to the surface. Refuse to let emotional issues interfere with productivity. Distance yourself from unstable people and situations. Let your actions speak for you. Look for an innovative way to use your skills and connections, and you’ll get the support you need to reach your goal.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Say what’s on your mind, and you’ll put an end to a situation that has been uncertain and confusing. Love and romance are encouraged. A passionate gesture will enhance a meaningful relationship. Address money matters. A joint venture looks promising. Spend less time analyzing and more time taking care of business. You’ll have everything under control if you don’t lose your temper or take on the impossible. Pace yourself, and you’ll get the results you want. Someone will withhold information.

CANCER (June 21-July 22):

Find out as much as you can that is pertinent to a career path or hobby you want to pursue. Be open to suggestions, but don’t feel you have to make a move because someone takes the plunge. Let your intuition guide you, and you’ll make decisions that are good for you. It’s time to please yourself. You’ll face a challenge if you overspend. Think twice before you let someone talk you into something you cannot afford. Set up a budget and start saving. You’ll come up with a great plan that will help you make a difference. Time spent doing something gratifying will be time well spent.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Nurturing relationships will encourage peace and love. If you neglect to do something you promised, you will find it difficult to live down your shortcoming; be attentive. Put the final touch on something you’ve been working toward and you’ll get rave reviews. Don’t let someone’s jealousy get to you, or an argument will break out. Choose passion, not discord. Take the initiative and follow through with your plans. Don’t waste precious time on something or someone who will never see or do things your way. Don’t be foolish with money, your health or joint ventures.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Don’t make a fuss, or you’ll upset someone you love. Choose compliments over criticism. Put more emphasis on doing things that bring you the most joy. A kind gesture will bring you closer to someone who shares your interest. Take the path that leads to something new and exciting. Scour online ads, and you’ll come across something that interests you. A proposition will entice you, but before you decide to get involved, find out how much it will cost. Spend more time with someone you love. A special event or plan that will bring you closer together is encouraged.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):

Someone you least expect will twist your words and cause a stir. An articulate, brief response is in your best interest. Consider how you can use your money wisely. A humanitarian act will lead to connections that can help you advance. Avoid encounters that can turn into a potential health risk. Put a plan in place to help you put your finances in order and any legal matters to rest. If you aren’t happy with a contract or partnership, offer alternatives. Surround yourself with trustworthy people. Romance is encouraged and will bring you closer to someone you love.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

Refuse to let the past hold you back. Put an end to impossible situations, and walk away from people who bring out the worst in you. Focus on your dreams, people and things that make you happy. Push hard to tie up loose ends. It’s impossible to get on with your life if you are living in the past. Take action and make things happen. Problems with a friend, relative or colleague will leave you at a loss. Reevaluate what’s transpired, and make a positive lifestyle change.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Step up and follow through. It’s up to you to lay down ground rules and set the pace. Consider how you earn your living, and if your job is satisfying. Don’t hesitate to invest time and money into upgrading your skills to help you find a position more to your liking. Reach out to an old friend, and you’ll gain insight into new possibilities. What you discover will encourage you to consider making a move or spending more time doing things you enjoy. Be careful what you reveal.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

Stick close to friends and family. Don’t let an old flame disrupt your life. Hold on to what you’ve got, and strive to make things better. Use your imagination, and you’ll come up with a good idea that will brighten your surroundings and make your space function better. Don’t let the little things get to you. It’s OK if someone doesn’t see things your way. Go about your business, and give others the freedom to do as they please. Take a walk down memory lane, and you’ll be encouraged to do something you used to enjoy.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

Set boundaries with anyone trying to take advantage of you. The opportunity to take something you enjoy doing and turn it into a profitable venture looks promising. Pick up equipment or information that will contribute to your success. An unexpected turn of events will give you the chance to show off your talent. Take time out to spend with someone you love. The support you receive will encourage you to pursue your dreams, and the rewards you share will make your hard work worthwhile. Be careful how you handle your money. A loss is likely if you are negligent.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):

Keep an open mind, but don’t let anyone manipulate you. Get involved in a cause, and you’ll connect with someone who can help you get ahead. The way you approach work will change the way you earn your living. You are better off not disagreeing. Listen, but don’t share your thoughts, and you’ll avoid getting into a senseless fight. Spend your time with people who enjoy common interests. You’ll experience a revelation regarding something you enjoy doing and how you can turn your talent into a lucrative service.

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