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Seniors over 55 years old should not have to pay school taxes. We do not have any children in school.


[ Editor’s Note: Sure, sure… and people without cars shouldn’t have to pay taxes to build roads, and people who aren’t sick shouldn’t have to pay taxes to support a hospital, and people whose house isn’t on fire shouldn’t have to pay taxes to support the fire department. It this enough examples of why your idea is a bad one yet or would you like more.

Look at this way… when you were a kid 50 years ago, someone who is your age now was paying school taxes so you could get an education, and when these kids who are getting an education today thanks to your generous tax payment might someday be able to take care of you in your old age because they got an education. Maybe be bitter about something else?]

*** Instead of giving all the teachers a raise, why not use that surplus to give ALL Arkansans a boost?

$1.6 billion could help a lot of people. [ Editor’s Note: Wow, two anti- education texts in a row… I’m a little biased I suppose, with a whole bunch of family in education, but I strongly support paying teachers more, surplus or however]

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