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First, They Came for Grandma


First, they came for grandma.

Then they came for your kids.

Now, they are coming for YOU!

First, Grandma.

I have already done an article on the subject of nursing home deaths under the auspices of state governors who were in charge of states that had the highest death rates of seniors during the pandemic.

But, by way of reminder, here is a list of the top ten U.S. states with greatest numbers of Coronavirus nursing home fatalities, ranked in numbers of deaths per 1,000 residents: Massachusetts: 124.0, New Jersey: 122.6, Connecticut: 102.5, Rhode Island: 102.0, Louisiana: 66.8, Pennsylvania: 60.9, Delaware: 57.5, Maryland: 55.9, Illinois: 52.6, New York: 48.5.

Notice something about the list? ALL the states on the list have Democrat governors except for the two RINO Republicans.

None were invested in trying to either cooperate under the Trump administration upon the Wuhan Virus outbreak, and openly fought him at every turn. The results?


However, when the bodies began to stack up in liberal states, they had to do something… and they did.

They paid off the nursing industries in their states with a nice little sweetenernearly 20 states were granted immunity for their nursing homes and hospitals when the pandemic began. Nursing homes became immune from being held liable in lawsuits stemming from a lack of protections put in place for their vulnerable residents. Per

The American Bar site, those states are: AK, AL, AR, AZ, CT, GA, HI, IL, KS, KY, MA, MD, MI, MS, MT, NC, NJ, NV, NY, OK, PA, RI, UT, VA, VT, and WI.

In addition, three states went even further

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‘Wordaholic’ By Robert L. Hall ROBERT HALL (cont.)

civil liability.

These states were: NC, NJ, and NY.

Many of these companies were already big dollar contributors to the governors political war chests, so the

was not a surprise to anyone.

Except John Q. Public.

He had to learn the hard way. So, it was 'Good-bye' to Grandma!

Then, they came for your kids.

All of which is so easy to do when you have the corporate media on your side, spreading a narrative of fear.

However, most people look at facts-not fiction.

Or, as evolutionary theorist, Bret Weinstein, put it, when “ We compare narrative with analysis… most people are not in fact, stupid.”

That's because they've

bought the bill of goods leftist media put out.

You may have read in recent days that The Arkansas Department of Health recently learned of a third pediatric death from COVID-19. But, are you aware of the annual death rate of seasonal flu pediatric victims in America?

It has been a more-or-less steady rate since records first were kept in 2004: it fluctuates between about 150 to 200 officially. In fact, due to underreporting, it is almost always at about 600 a year, per CDC statistics on their internet site.

You know, when I was in school, we had two remedies to the flu: #1-If you are sick at home, stay home, or #2-If sick at school, they called the phone number on file and you were picked up.

End of story… case closed.

But not today.

Now, it's get a mask… no not just a mask, an N95 mask. Then get a shot… no make that two shots… and a booster for the Delta Variant… and another for the Mu Variant… .get Johnson & Johnson… .no Moderna… .no Phiser… .no, all three at once… no, wear a mask and vaccinate… indoors… .no, outdoors as well… and even if you have had the Chinese Wuhan Virus and have antibodies… you may give it to someone else… so you get the shot too… and mask up as well… and we'll have distance learning, which means we'll have no learning at all… and no teaching as well… that will make the teacher unions happy… they can all go on vacation.

Then, there are some of the parents:

Make all those kids who aren't my kids go home on suspension because they aren't doing what I want them to do… because their rights end where my fear begins!

Think I'm kidding?

Read the local newspaper lately?


Breath in, breath out, as I introduce an element of sanity, from The Foundation for Economic Education, a conservative think tank and an article by Jon Miltimore, a parent of school-age children himself and several citations he points out:

“ It's an undisputed fact that children have the least to fear from the coronavirus, as a recent New York magazine article made clear. In fact, they are more likely to die from the flu ( seasonal flu.) “ The kids are safe. They always have been,” wrote journalist David Wallace-Wells. “ It may sound strange, given a year of panic over school closures and reopenings, a year of masking toddlers and closing playgrounds and huddling in pandemic pods, that, according to the CDC, among children the mortality risk from COVID- 19 is actually lower than from the flu.”

Even The New York Times came out with clarifications dampening the danger posed to school-age children, as Miltimore writes further in his article: “ Months earlier, the New York Times published a graph based on CDC data showing all the things children were more likely to die of than COVID- 19.

“ Drowning, vehicle accidents, homicide, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and suffocation are all more likely to kill children under the age of 15 than COVID- 19 ( for children ages 5- 14, suffocation is a tie). Meanwhile, suicide is far likelier to claim the life of a child over the age of four than COVID- 19, according to the CDC.”

Bottom line, according to the author:

” Many seem intent on try­

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of Stanford University professor of medicine Jay Bhattacharya and George Mason University economist Donald J. Boudreaux, a dangerous and costly fantasy.

“ Efforts to eradicate COVID- 19 through coercive means have wrought great damage. The harms are so vast and so visible that it's easy to overlook the harms these policies have inflicted on our children —

mentally even though they have almost nothing to fear from it.

“ This must end.”

Then, they came for you! For, Joe Biden, who is being heralded in football stadiums across the land during half-time events by a chant that I cannot print here in a family newspaper, has determined in his infinitely demented mind-that vaccines should be mandated for companies with more than 100 employees.

That's right, folks. He is pulling out the dog leashes for all of us, and threatening your ability to put food on your table and provide for your families by governmental intimidation to take your job away from you — which is TOTALLY unconstitutional, against the Bill of Rights, against all former federal and state criminal and civil laws.

And which, eventually, the Supreme Court is going to smack down harder than a contestant at a World Wrestling Association match.

To which, Joe Biden responded, “Have at it!”

A power grab based on panic porn, false choices, and governmental overreach for power and control over an America that the left wants turned to socialism.


thought it would never happen.

Robert L. Hall is a resident of Marion and has a Bachelor’s Degree in music from the University of Memphis and a Master’s Degree from Florida State University.

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