22 February 2016
What would you do with a hundred and fifty billion?

What would you do with a hundred and fifty billion?

What would you do with a hundred and fifty billion? The reason I ask that question is for you to think about it for a moment. After you have pon...
Earle News

Earle News

Earle News A total of 50 attended the Annual Valentine dinner held at the First United Methodist Church Morrison Fellowship Hall Feb. 12. The s...
19 February 2016


News Briefs

News Briefs

News Briefs The Evening Times prints briefs about events for organizations, schools and govern-mental agencies. News briefs are accepted at the ...
7 Rules to Dress for Success at Home

7 Rules to Dress for Success at Home

7 Rules to Dress for Success at Home If you have a home-based business (38 million Americans do and $427 billion per year is made by them), or you...
‘ That wasn’t me’

‘ That wasn’t me’

‘ That wasn’t me’ The classic defenses are always the best in Judge Thorne’s courtroom news@theeveningtimes.com Even though it was a lig...
18 February 2016
Gas prices dip toward 15-year lows

Gas prices dip toward 15-year lows

Gas prices dip toward 15-year lows Rates down nearly five cents this week alone By Gregg Laskoski Sr. Petroleum Analyst LITTLE ROCK - Average...
Sorrell. “We’ve had $80,000 in landfill increases

Sorrell. “We’ve had $80,000 in landfill increases

remained level. In the meantime, landfill fees climbed. City Engineer Phillip Sorrell explained the fee increase and provided commissioners with...
News Briefs

News Briefs

News Briefs The Evening Times prints briefs about events for organizations, schools and govern-mental agencies. News briefs are accepted at the ...
Tips for staying safe (and warm) this winter

Tips for staying safe (and warm) this winter

Tips for staying safe (and warm) this winter With rapidly dropping temperatures and scary driving conditions, winter can be a very dangerous time ...
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