27 July 2016
Flash  Market,  Inc. Fuels  Carnival’s 30th

Flash Market, Inc. Fuels Carnival’s 30th

Earle PD updating policy and procedures handbook Captain working with sheriff to make ‘ more professional police department’ news@theeveni...
26 July 2016
Scenes from the Market

Scenes from the Market

Photos by John Rech Scenes from the Market Plenty to peruse at the Delta Market at ASU Mid-South. Last week, the market had a variety of goods...
Sun protection tips for young children

Sun protection tips for young children

Sun protection tips for young children Research Shows Too Many Babies Are Getting Tans and Sunburns SkinCancer.org Some babies are being exposed...
Day of the Cowboy at Three Trees

Day of the Cowboy at Three Trees

Photos courtesy of Facebook Day of the Cowboy at Three Trees During the celebration of the National Cowboy Day Sunday at Three Trees Cowboy Chu...
‘Naked & Afraid’ couldn’t cut it here

‘Naked & Afraid’ couldn’t cut it here

‘Naked & Afraid’ couldn’t cut it here Mosquitos and chiggers and triple- digit temps www.theeveningtimes.com I’m sure if you have ...
News Briefs

News Briefs

News Briefs The Evening Times prints briefs about events for organizations, schools and governmental agencies. News briefs are accepted at the ...
A Penny Mentality In America?

A Penny Mentality In America?

A Penny Mentality In America? I had just parked my car in a city parking lot when I heard the cries of a loud voice. 'Sir, please give me ...
25 July 2016
Gilmore Police Car Vandalized

Gilmore Police Car Vandalized

Photo courtesy of CCSO Gilmore Police Car Vandalized On July 19, the Crittenden County Sheriff's Department was notified that the Gilmore ...
Marion man completes army training

Marion man completes army training

Marion man completes army training Williams stationed in Colorado following Basic www.theeveningtimes.com Quincy J. Williams, 24, of Marion ...
‘ABC Girl’ at City Hall

‘ABC Girl’ at City Hall

Photo by John Rech ‘ABC Girl’ at City Hall Seven-year-old Sydney Hopson smiles as she picked up heavy recognition during the West Memphis C...
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