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The city haul from city hall

The city haul from city hall



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formation to the streets. He took the time to present the flyer at addresses that had tires stacked up. According to Antel many people were hoping the city would pick up the old tires.

“I handed out several flyers,” said Antel. “I talked to people at the doors and they appreciated the information because they did not know what to do with them. They assumed the city would haul the tires off. The information, the warnings, the letters — we’ve got that stuff down pretty good.”

Councilman James Pulliaum said he had reported tire dumping to police twice last month and is working with the police as they investigate.

City Engineer Phillip Sorrell said the county doubled up on tire recycling trailers at the shop on Highway 64. “With just one trailer, it was really tricky, even for the city, being able to take a load of tires out there for disposal,” said Sorrell. “It should get better with two trailers there now.”

West Memphis’ recycling efforts continue to show growth. Residents dropped off 14,770 pounds of recyclables at the city’s bins in December.

Photo by John Rech

The city haul from city hall

This recycle trailer stands ready to receive in the south lot at West Memphis City Hall. Wonder City residents dropped off 14,770 pounds of recyclables in December.

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