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Search for new superintendent underway



When the 2024-25 school year begins in earnest next week, the West Memphis School District will start the year with an interim superintendent, longtime assistant superintendent Willie Harris. However, the wheels are now in motion to find a new leader for the district.

“West Memphis School District (WMSD) Board of Education officially initiated the search for a new superintendent today with the release of a digital application process,” said a release from the board and President Dr. Kimberly Wolfe.

The district’s search follows the unexpected death of former superintendent, Dr. Terrence A. Brown, in late May of this year.

In its announcement of the candidate search process, the board said it is seeking “a strategic and transactional leader who is prepared to embrace and implement the district’s community- informed, 5-year strategic plan,” noting that the new superintendent “will

See WMSD, page A2

The West Memphis School Board and community stakeholders discuss the district’s longterm plans and make preparations for not only a new school year but also begin the search for a new superintendent.

Photo courtesy of WMSD WMSD

From page A1

have the opportunity and responsibility to lead and serve approximately 5,000 students and 600 staff while demonstrating the ability to improve academic achievement, teacher retention, and strategic partnerships with a focus on student population growth and effectively managing multiple stakeholder interests.”

The move to find Dr. Brown’s successor comes after a series of public meetings and work sessions by the board with members of the community to formulate a longterm plan for WMSD and to craft the parameters for the new superintendent search.

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