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West Memphis Library hosts summer events

From painting to exotic animals to science magicians, there’s something for everyone at the public library

From painting to exotic animals to science magicians, there’s something for everyone at the public library


From painting to exotic animals to science magicians, there’s something for everyone at the public library


This summer, the West Memphis Public Library has been buzzing with exciting and educational events for children of all ages. From the successful Summer Reading Program to visits from an “animologist” and Magic Mr. Nick, there has been no shortage of fun activities for kids to enjoy.

According to librarian Jeff Bumgarner, the Summer Reading Program has been a hit, but in addition to the reading program, the library has hosted a variety of events to keep children engaged and entertained. Bob Tarter, the self described “animologist” recently visited the library to teach kids all about animals in a fun and interactive way. Children had the opportunity to learn interesting facts and trivia about these our furry, and some not so furry, friends.

“It was really fun for everyone, even the adults.” said Jeff, “The kids got to see and interact with a California King snake, gila monster,

See LIBRARY, page A2

Animologist Bob Tarter helping kids to make new animal friends.

Photo by Don Wilburn LIBRARY

From page A1

prairie dog, a falcon and other even weirder animals I don’t know the name of.”

The library also welcomed Magic Mr. Nick, also known as Dr. Wacky Science. This energetic performer taught children about solutions, air pressure, lab safety, and even how airplanes y. Through a series of interactive experiments and demonstrations, Magic Mr. Nick showed kids the fun side of science and how they can safely conduct experiments at home and learn even more by checking out books.

The library shows no signs of slowing down with their summer activities. This Thursday they will teach kids how to do make tie-dye shirts, followed by a free comedy concert on Friday by the kids band mömandpöp from Little Rock and coming up on July 24 the library will be doing a new version of one of their most popular events; kid’s interpreting famous paintings. This time the subject to be interpreted will be famous Great Wave off Kanagawa by Japanese artist Hokusai.

Of the previous event Bumgarner said, “We provided the kids with brushes, paints and canvases and asked them to paint their interpretation of the painting which was projected onto the wall. They got really creative and while some zoomed right through it, others spent the entire two hours and came up with some truly amazing stuff. We were really impressed.”

Jeff went on to say that the activity helps children build and strengthen cognitive abilities and to try new ideas without being afraid to “fail or screw up”.

With a variety of events and activities to choose from, there is something for every child to enjoy at the library this summer and even going into the fall. For more information visit the library’s website, Facebook page or call (870) 732-7590

Magic Mr. Nick’s science show amazed everyone in attendance.

Photo courtesy of West Memphis Public Library

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