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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Today, July 24, I was looking for 4 Times to mail to friends out of town so they could read about the fire at Meadowbrook. I went by 3 stores and the papers had not been delivered. So I decided to go out to the newspaper office. I met the nicest lady in the circulation department and told her I needed 4 papers. She got the papers, and solved my problem. Just wanted to say how nice she was. I’m sorry I didn’t get her name, but she was the blond haired lady in the Circulation Dept on the left as you go in the entrance. Thank you. [Editor’s Note: From your description, it sounds like you met Athena, but then you said she was nice, so I don’t know… just kidding. I’m sorry you had to run all over town to find a paper, but I’m glad everything was taken care of once you got here. As a side note, I saw a Facebook friend of mine selling his golf cart on the Swap Shop page. Demand suddenly skyrocketed, I guess after the fire. Pretty clever on his part, I suppose]

*** Pretty smart on the part of the city to reject the million dollars in raises when we can’t even get the garbage picked up on a regular basis. I’m sure there are plenty of city employees who do a great job but there needs to be a better system in place for awarding raises to folks for just existing. A merit based raise system is much better and much more efficient way of keeping good employees and getting rid of the worthless ones who ride the clock and don’t want to work. [Editor’s Note: I love the idea of merit- based raises. Accrossthe- board raises just send a message that working good enough to not get fired is just as rewarding as busting your butt to do the best you can. My favorite example of this is in the teaching field. Two teachers, same district, same school, same degree, same years of experience… “Teacher A” does in-depth, daily, engaging lessons every day, has papers graded on time, calls parents of children who are struggling, etc. “Teacher B” shows movies and YouTube clips four or five days a week. They make the exact same thing… completely unjust]


Here’s what everyone is talking about this week:

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