See TEXT, page A3
Some are very distressed and panicked over President Trump’s creation of DOGE and appointing two billionaire outsiders to look into the inefficiency of the government.
Anyone who has worked for or within government can relate of many instances of waste, inefficiencies, red tape and outright inflation of cost to projects or services due to nonsensical requirements put into place to pander to certain races, genders or groups. To have outsiders looking in is a blessing. Until 1930 the federal government survived on 11 percent of the gross national product, which simply stated is the total value of all the goods and services produced by the residents and businesses of a country, irrespective of the location of production. Today the government bloats on just over 50 percent of the gross domestic product, and its appetite for the labors of others continues to grow, while those that labor struggle with being able to afford many things as prices increase across the board.
Worse though, those that preach about threats to our democracy or freedom are those whose policy’s lead to
From page A2
expansion of government. For every penny taken from the productive sector, part of their freedoms are taken as the government decides how to spend those pennies instead of giving that freedom to those that earned them. Yet there is a constant call from the local level up to the federal level for the government to provide more services that in reality could and should be handled by those who need to take responsibility for themselves or projects that could be undertaken by like minded citizens instead of looking to the government.
[ Editor’s Note: I have no doubt in my mind that out government wastes millions, if not billions, of dollars each year on unnecessary spending. I do, however, have serious doubts about handing the task of making our government more efficient over to the guy who spent $ 47 billion dollars on buying the social media cesspool that is X ( formerly Twitter) and then immediately tanking its value is the best possible strategy had at his disposal.]