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Citizens concerned after shots fired in Marion near park


Violence in nearby “doll houses” too close for comfort for parents, kids at Brunetti Park

By Ralph Hardin

On Wednesday evening, a group of kids, their coaches and their parents were engaged in a round of MYSA youth football practice at Brunetti Park in Marion when a series of gunshots in the vicinity sent everyone to the ground or seeking cover.

The exchange of gunfire took place in the “dollhouses,” a low-income housing subdivision about a quarter-mile east of the park, on the other side of Higway 77 and the railroad tracks that run alongside it.

Although no one at the park was in immediate danger and no injuries were reported, with recent gun violence in the news, there was a great deal of concern that resulted in a spike in local social media circles about the incident that night into Thursday.

MYSA put out a release follwing the incident.

“Last night, there was an event near Brunetti park where some of our football teams were practicing. A shooting took place on the other side of the railroad tracks and in no way was it aimed at the park or any of our MYSA family there for practice,” said the post. “I want to thank our coaches for doing a great job keeping our players safe and keeping everything under control.

Let’s keep our community in our prayers. We all love this town and want to keep it safe for all.”

Becca Kraft shared her account of the events.

“I was walking from HCGC and heard all the gun shots and not even 2-3 minutes later police and emergency sirens could be heard,” she said.

“Way too close for comfort!

And so sad we have citizens fearing for their lives bc someone wants to use a firearm to handle unfinished business. The children and citizens in our community deserve better! Tougher laws and ones that will be enforced in a court of law and not a slap on the hand. Police can only do so much. I do pray everyone is OK! For all the children practicing footballI am so sorry you experienced something so scary. Please do not allow the bad choices of others stop you from being awesome at the sport you love to play. Continue to have fun being a kid, finding all opportunities to push forward and have fun.”

Ginger Dabbs aired her frustrations over the shooting in a local Facebook group.

“It's a cryin- damn shame eight-year-olds and their parents can't go to a local park to practice football without having to get down and take cover from close and loud flying bullets from the dollhouses,” she said. “Brunetti park is not safe anymore and it's sad. A packin’ we will be —at least one of us from here on out. Hotel tax to make the parks nicer…. for what? To go and be shot at… or toward?

No thanks.”

Photo by Ralph Hardin

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