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Celebrating Arkansas rice farmers


A s we enjoy September, it’s a time to recognize the vital role that rice plays

Deborah Ferguson

in Arkansas and to celebrate National Rice Month. Our state stands proud as the number one producer of rice in the United States, contributing significantly to both our economy and our communities.

Every year, Arkansas harvests an impressive 200 million bushels of rice, supporting nearly 25,000 jobs across the state. This remarkable industry not only boosts our economy, contributing over $6 billion annually but also enriches our agricultural heritage. It’s worth noting that 96 percent of the 2,300 rice farms in Arkansas are family- owned and operated, embodying the spirit of hard work and dedication that defines our communities.

In addition to its economic impact, the rice industry is committed to sustainability. Over the past 30 years, our rice farmers have made tremendous strides in reducing environmental impact by cutting water use by 52 percent, greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent, and the land required to grow rice by 39 percent. These efforts demonstrate our farmers’ commitment to not only producing high-quality rice but also protecting our natural resources for future generations.

Moreover, the rice industry plays a crucial role in fighting food insecurity within our state. Each year, Arkansas rice farmers generously donate over 200,000 pounds of rice to help those in need. This act of kindness highlights the community spirit that binds us together as Arkansans.

Rice is grown in over 40 counties throughout our state, showcasing the agricultural diversity and richness of Arkansas. As we celebrate National Rice Month, let us take the time to appreciate the hard work of our rice farmers and the impact they have on our economy, environment, and community well-being.

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