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The Sniff Test




Evening Times Editor

There’s a funny little trait that most people have. When we smell something bad, we always look around to see if there’s anyone in the immediate vicinity to share the offensive odor with. “Does this smell funny to you?” Like I don’t know if it’s that we need a second opinion or if it’s just human nature to want someone to share in the awfulness.

And, not gonna lie, when someone offers me a whiff of a terrible smell, I can’t help it. I’m just too curious. I give it a sniff…

There’s also an expression called “passing the sniff test.” Now, it’s not to be confused with the actual scientific procedure known as the sniff test, which is used to test a variety of things, including diaphragm movement, lung capacity, early onset Alzheimer’s and internal trauma.

No, the sniff test I’m talking about is a little more informal and


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less scientific. And no, it’s not something we came up with to make sure our boys put on their deodorant when they were teenagers. To pass this sniff test, someone or something needs, according to, “be found ethical or genuine, typically by an instinctive sense or quick, formal assessment, usually used in the negative sense.”

In other words, when you see someone or read something or otherwise come across some kind of individual or information, you’re likely to give them the “sniff test” and decide how you feel. For example, my wife has never, ever liked Hillary Clinton. At this point, Hillary could cure cancer and for my wife, she would still fail the sniff test. I feel the same way about Governor Sarah Sanders.

Everything about how she came to be in the position she’s in ans just about everything she’s done since fails the sniff test to me.

Have I ever given someone the sniff test and turned out to be wroing?

Sure. Good thing it’s not legally binding. I’d be willing to bet a lot of folks are giving Kamala Harris the sniff test — if they haven’t already.

I quess we’ll see if she stinks…

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