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Sheriff’s Deparment makes pair of child pornography arrests


Criminal Investigation Unit makes 3rd, 4th arrests since June for crimes against children

By Ralph Hardin

In a span of two months, the Crittenden County Sheriff’s Department has arrested four suspects on child pornography related charges, follwing two additional arrests just last week.

Jonathan Sparrow, 26, of West Memphis, was arrested on Friday, July 12 by the Crittenden County Sheriff’s Department Criminal Investigation Unit who are members of the Arkansas State Police Internet Crimes against Children unit “Detectives received a tip from the unit that Sparrow was in possession of child pornography,” the sheriff’s office said. “He was eventually arrested and charged with 45 felony counts of possessing visual of print medium depicting sexually explicit conduct involving a child.

Sparrow was booked into the Crittenden County Detention Center and is scheduled to have his first arraignment this morning in West Memphis District Court on the 45 felony charges.

The fourth arrest in the past two months was made by the Crittenden County Sheriffs Department Criminal Investigation was made just five days later.

The arrest was made Wednesday, July 17, after dreceived a tip from the ICAC unit that this suspect was involved in the possesion and distribution of child pornography.

“As a result of the investigation, Zackary Keith Tucker, 24, of Earle, has been charged with 892 counts of pandering of Possessing visual of print medium depicting sexual explicit conduct involving a child,” said the sheriff’s office.

Tucker has been booked into the Crittenden County Detention Center and is scheduled to have his first arraignment tomorrow in Marion District Court on the 892 felony charges.

“I would like to thank the Sheriff’s Department Special Unit for their hard work and dedication to the safety of our children and the pursuit of Child Predators,” said Crittenden County Sheriff Mike Allen..



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