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If you look around our ….


If you look around our community, you could not imagine that we are half way through a presidential election year. Absent are any signs or notice of support for any presidential candidate in one of, if not THE most, important presidential elections in history. I wonder why is that? Is it because everyone is intimidated, and even fearful, of possible repercussions? Is it because inflation has reduced our disposable income to zero and signs do cost money? I think it is a little bit of both.

Thursday is the 4th of July, and I hope we all snap out of this funk that has enveloped our great country. We have many things in America to be grateful for, and I hope that we all take a moment to appreciate the freedoms that we enjoy. The Greatest Generation has all but disappeared and I think, what would they say about what has taken place in America in the past few years? President Reagan said: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” It’s time to exercise our First Amendment freedom of speech, insist on all our freedoms and not buy into the narrative that America is a bad place. Sure. There is always room for improvement. But, we should all be proud to be part of the greatest country ever created. I’ve heard it said that politics is like watching sausage being made. Nobody likes to watch it, but we all enjoy the results.

It’s not in the Southern tradition to be intimidated. So, let’s get active in this presidential election year and exercise our rights, regardless of who you support for president, and let’s celebrate this great country on July 4, 2024.

[ Editor’s Note: You know, you raise some excellent points here. Way back in 1990, the poet- philosopher Hank Williams Jr. opined, in his song The U. S. A. Today, “ It's true we've got our problems, Lord knows we make mistakes. And every time we solve one, ten others take its place.

But you won't see those refugees, headin' the other way. Welcome, to the U. S. A. today…” Ol’ Hank said a lot of other things that you might or might not agree with, but he’s right about that. This has always been, and should always bee, where people can come to pursue a better life.

We’ve still, despite our issues, got plenty of reason to celebrate this Independence Day]

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