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See TEXT, page A13


The challenge at our southern border is not only a national security issue but a humanitarian crisis.

Solutions have been discussed by both political parties for decades but no solution is forthcoming.

Since Congress is the only body that can solve this situation it is obvious that they have no real intention of acting. I have a solution… Since the combined total land areas of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua is approximately 143,000 square miles, the president should issue an Executive Order trading these countries for the state of California whose size is approximately the same (155,000 square miles).

Unfortunately, this would eliminate approximately 12% of our annual national GDP. This loss would be offset by adding nearly 1,000 miles of additional coastline for development and recreation! Additionally this would eliminate the billions in wasted subsidies paid to these countries to support their economies that which were unsuccessful in reducing illegal immigration northward.

As an added bonus this

From page A2

thward. As an added bonus this trade would finally allow the United States to win the 'war on drugs' by placing the 82nd Airborne Division squarely in the middle of the drug supply routes. A win-win scenario by any measure. [ Editor’s Note: I can’t tell if you’re serious or if this is a well- crafted piece of satire. Even ignoring the logistics of your proposal, it’s just a little weird. I do like the idea of a real “ war” on drugs, though. Maybe we can addtess both of your concerns at the same time? Maybe we could put together some sort of “ citizenship for service” military/ immigration hybrid deal where if you join the military for two years and join a division of the Army specifically focused on fighting the importing of illegal drugs, you and your family get to be citizens… As for the drugs themselves, it seems like we are getting closer and closer each day to the legalization of many drugs ( like some cities have decriminalized recreational amounts of drugs far more serious that marijuana). so this might be a moot point]

*** How can the city council vote themselves a raise? That seems very, very unethical. Shouldn’t that be something the citizens get to vote on? [ Editor’s Note: Yeah, that one’s more than a little “ sus” as the kids say these days. Did you know the most recent amendment to the U. S. Constitution ( No. 27) addresses this conflict of interest specifically by saying that no raise to the salaries of congress members can go into effect until after the nest election. That seems like a perfectly reasonable idea and it is one that should apply to all elected officials from top to bottom]

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