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The Colonel doubles down on Double Down


For better of worse, the infamous Double Down sandwich from KFC that has been making headlines since its creation in 2010 is back as of this Monday after a near five year hiatus. The sandwich, which replaces the traditional bread buns with two deep fried chicken fillets wrapped around bacon, cheese and sauce, has garnered both praise and criticism from fast-food enthusiasts and health experts alike.

Let’s start with the basics: the new Double Down packs a whopping 940 calories and 1,380 milligrams of sodium per sandwich. That’s more than half of the recommended daily intake for the average adult and even more if you get a combo with fries and the liquid sugar better known as a soft drink. For context, a big Mac or Whopper both have around 600 calories and a Popeye’s chicken sandwich weighs in around 700.

Despite the health concerns, the sandwich quickly became a fan favorite, selling over 10 million units within the first month of its release. KFC even released a grilled version of the sandwich in 2011, which lowered the calorie count slightly but still contained dangerously high levels of sodium.

One customer we talked to described the experience as “life-changing.” Another said, “It’s like someone took a burger and replaced the buns with chicken.” adding simply “[explicative] delicious!”.

However, not everyone was impressed.

Health experts warned of the potential health consequences of consuming such high levels of sodium and calories on a regular basis which has garnered the bread-less sandwich the nickname “The Heart-Stopper”. Some even called for a

See WILBURN, page A14

Don Wilburn Times Staff Commentary WILBURN

From page A4

boycott of KFC and other fast-food chains that offered similarly unhealthy menu items.

KFC defended the Double Down, calling it a “fun, indulgent” item that was meant to be enjoyed in moderation. The company also pointed out that they offered healthier options on their menu, such as grilled chicken and salads. Indeed it continues to be the company’s best selling menu item in Canada and has never been absent from menus in most foreign markets where consumers tend to enjoy fast food less often than their American counterparts.

The Double Down continues to be a polarizing item on KFC’s menu. While some still swear by its savory taste, others have turned away from the fried chicken giant in favor of healthier fast-food options.

We would be remiss, of course, if we were not to try the delectable deadly delight ourselves. Honestly, it was as salty as it’s reputation without the bread as a “salt buffer”, the bacon and ooey gooey cheese were tasty and even managed to break through the mounds of monstrous fried chicken which were pleasantly not as greasy as expected. The verdict? It’s fried chicken wrapped around bacon and cheese.

What’s not to love except maybe the numbing sensation in our right arm as we type this?

To summarize our thoughts we are reminded of what the recently-deceased comedian Norm MacDonald said of the crispy concoction in 2010, “Fried chicken and cheese wrapped in bacon…. or living!?”

Love it or hate it, there’s no denying that the Double Down sandwich made a lasting impact on the fastfood industry. Who knows what kind of outrageous sandwich creation we’ll see next? Perhaps a bucket of melted butter with a straw?

Only time will tell.

Don Wilburn is a staff reporter for the Evening Times and connoisseur of fine foods.

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