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The lack of faith in humanity


the world feels W hen heavy, it’s easy to question whether it’s worthwhile to have faith in humanity. The limited public data available from 2015 to 2021 suggested that Black people were disproportionately impacted by police use of lethal force.

Did you know there are currently no federal government’s programs implemented that can track how many deaths occur annually? Since these most recent killings many people have had plenty of opportunities to observe and struggle with questions about why and how people can be so unkind to other people in very brutal ways.

Article 3 protects people against torture and inhuman and degrading and punishment. It is sad that laws and rights must be forced to tell other humans how to treat other humans. Humans that are treating other people as less than human; causing them fear, suffering and humiliation are violating human dignity. Everyone has a right to be free from inhuman and degrading treatment. People should understand the difference between inhuman and inhumane per the dictionary explains the same meaning. but in spite of this fact, they are used in different contexts. Both the words mean cruel and insensitive; but inhumane stresses on the subject and inhuman stresses on the insensitive behaviors.

With human dignity being violated everyday the mere existence of these laws and rights is not sufficient to prevent inhuman treatments. They also need to be properly understood and rigorously applied, with zero tolerance. The leaders of this country should care about humanity. This world is in such chaos. These are very uncertain times.

How do you believe that human rights can be better protected to save humanity from the unrelenting forces of chaos and uncertainty looming for the next victim and family. When will the marginalizing and ignoring stop? How many more people have to be murdered?

Peaceful protesting must continue and laws must change or be created to stop treating humans like wild animals. People of all colors must rise up to fight for their governments to create and support laws to hold people that abuse their authority accountable for their actions.

George Floyd’s murder and the Covid-19 pandemic should have been the tipping point for the entire world.

In 2020, it seemed like everyday a new protest or act of disobedience popped up. And it stills continues in February 2023 in Memphis, TN. As stated “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”

Dr.King To this very day the mere existence of laws and regulations is not enough to prevent torture and more public physical, mental attacks, brutal beatings and killings by law enforcement. Inhuman or degrading treatment is still occurring all over the world. It is believed that many governments, as well as dissident groups that hold positions of control continue to oppress and persecute citizens to this day. The fact will always remain that the disregard of human rights will encourage never-ending cycles of poverty, hunger, violence acts, senseless killings and brutal assaults on humanity.

This will not only have a devastating impact on individual lives, but also a massive impact on the global economy and your tireless efforts to build peace in today’s time. For every bad news story reported about senseless killings what seems like time after time. There are countless efforts of all people making a difference. Despite seeing the inhuman treatments by authoritative people there is still much hope in maintaining humanity. There are many ways you can help to continue serving as a humanitarian in your community and prove to the next generation that by working directly with people to not oppress them but rather provide opportunities and respect to each individual that has breath will possibly eliminate the inhuman treatments for anyone.

Keeping human rights first is a deliberate investment in peace and unity. This can be accomplished by holding people accountable for their abuse of authority who choose not to protect and serve. The punishment should be a universal action and just might save humanity from the darkness that supports society distrust of authoritative people.

Sherry Holliman is a concerned citizen of Crittenden County and a former Marion City Councilwoman. She has some thoughts she would like to share with the community on a variety of topics.

Sherry Holliman

‘Community Commentary’

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