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took the opportunity to once again echo their worries reminding the mayor that many of these bridges have been out for nearly four years and that residents have seen little to no work being done.

Mayor McClendon did not mince words as he said that it “basically comes down to money” and implied that it would be showing favoritism to spend “2 and half million on this end of town” and then proceed to neglect other areas when the city is so close to having these repairs done by ARDOT beginning in June of this year. He asked that all citizens be just a “little more patient” and proceeded to apologize for the slow speed of repairs and lack of updates but assured the council and citizens that repairs are set to start within 5 months on the Rich Road bridge and that he knows it has been a “thorn in people’s sides”.

Croom spoke of the other two bridges in the city needing repairs located on Redding and Lehr stating that “if you look at the bayou near the Redding Street bridge you will see where children have formed a trail going to and from school and it is only a matter of time before something happens” and added that xing the bridge would also alleviate some of the trafc on Avalon.. It was unclear as to when ARDOT will begin work on those bridges but the Mayor reiterated that it was a top priority and would bring it up again with ARDOT in Little Rock. There was talk of the bridge on Redding being rebuilt as a pedestrian only bridge in order to speed up repairs, however McClendon said he felt that residents would prefer a drivable bridge as before.

While on the subject of bridges Councilman Melanie Hutchinson concerns were quelled when the Mayor assured her that work was also set to “immediately begin from 20th Street to 25th Street to the new school” and was to include repairs, sidewalks, etc. and that everything was “being taken care of”.

Lastly, Councilman Willis Mondy also expressed concerns about the 7th overpass stating that the enormous holes in the street had been xed but that the bridge was still “crumbling” to which Mayor McClendon said he would also immediately bring up with ARDOT who is the leader and responsible for all projects regarding the city’s bridges and overpasses.

In other council news:

■ The city council decided to table several matters to be decided at a future date due to representatives not being present including the division of the land surrounding Kroger. A project led by Guarantee Loan is proposing to subdivide the land for private commercial use in order to bring more businesses, hence tax dollars, into the city. This would also involve the much needed resurfacing of Kroger Drive starting at Shoppingway Boulevard. The general attitude of the council was that it would be approved upon further clarication by project managers.

■ The Budget Commission that tax revenues were up for last year with the city sales tax exceeding the prospected budget by $1,879,000 and Southland also reporting over budget with $1,445,000 and Crittenden County at 244,000 over budget. The city has not decided yet how to spend the $3,569,000 yet but it was suggested to pay down some of the city’s debt including the radio system rather than accruing more debt.

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