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important public service]


To the person asking about the police reports what business is it of yours? If someone gets arrested or if the police are called to a house that is between them and the police. Why do you need to know what is going on at someone else’s property. Sure if it’s a murder or armed robbery the public needs to know about it but if it’s a family issue or something minor you don’t need to know about it. It costs exactly zero cents to mind your own business so maybe that’s what you should do and let the police take care of it! [ Editor’s Note: While I can kind of get what you’re saying, it is a matter of public record when the police are called to the scene. Even if there is no crime being committed ( you see a lot of “ General Information” or “ Crisis Intervention” in the weekly reports), you might see police at a residence in your neighborhood and wonder, “ Why are the police there?” And sure, sometimes it is a non- public issue, like say, when an older person dies in their home of natural causes, but if there’s crime in my neighborhood, I’d want to know what kind of crime.

We do not publish names in the Police Reports, but if there’s an arrest and it’s a serious crime, you’ll see their mugshots in the “ You’re Under Arrest” lineup. I suppose I could edit out stuff like “ Accidental Overdose” or other minor incidents, but then where do you draw the line? So, I include them all and I feel like it’s an

*** Why is the city digging up the ground all along the streets in Marion and running tubes? Is it something to do with the new gas company? [ Editor’s Note: Close… it’s not the city. It is a new internet/ cable service bringing in new fiber cables to compete with Comcast. I don’t know too much about it as far as when the service will become available or what all they are offering, but competition is usually good for the consumer and I’ll certainly be interested in hearing what they’ve got for us because I am no fan of Comcast and I’ve given the satellite companies a shot and they are not what I’m looking for either for my TV/ internet needs]

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