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How can we still be ….


How can we still be under a burn ban after it rained all day Saturday and it was below freezing last night?

And what good does it do to put on a burn ban if you are just going to let the farmers burn their fields.

That’s the number one threat of wild fires. No wild fire is going to start because I was burning some leaves in my back yard. Whatever happened to common sense?

[ Editor’s Note: I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention but common sense is not one of our society’s strong suits these days. As to your questions… it has rained less than two inches in the past month. Even with the decent rains we got over the weekend, thanks to the long dry period and sustained heavy winds, things are still very, very dry. Even with the cold temperatures, that means fire risk is high. If anything, the cold made things worse as it was a dry cold that sucked up all the humidity. In any event, stay safe out there!]

*** I appreciate you putting the list of candidates in the paper but let’s not kid ourselves — this election was bought and paid for months ago, so why bother voting?

[ Editor’s Note: This whole election? Like all of it? You mean avery race? Because honestly, if that’s the case color me impressed. I get why you’d be cynical about the process, but come on…]

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