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Editor’s response in “Text the Tiimes” regarding


I ’m Editor’s response in “Text the Tiimes” regarding

the accusation of questionable hiring and firing practices for two local businesses. A request to investigate was brushed off with irrelevant counterpoints and inappropriate musings. Nothing in the original message suggests the author shouldn’t be given the benefit of the doubt and while The Times is not obligated to investigate every potential story, I expect more journalistic integrity from the staff. [Editor’s Note: So … after reading the original text and my response and then reading this text I might not have been as sensitive to the needs of the person texting in the original message last week and that my response was from the point of view of “a typical white male,” which in my defense, is what I am. Now, having said that, I’m afraid I just don’t see us doing an investigation into the hiring practices of any local businesses in regards to race or racism (or sexism, LGBTQ rights, etc.) as I just think that’s opening up a lot of space for a lot of negativity that really doesn’t seem worth it. And just a note on the original text … It said, “They have no Black people working in the facilities but their clientele are majority Blacks.” That was a dubious claim, particularly the part about their clientele being majority Black. I don’t know how the original texter would have access to that data, and if they did where did they get it? I will say, if you (or anyone reading this) truly feels they are the victim of unfair and discriminatory hiring or firing or any other business-related policies. You can contact the Arkansas Workplace Fairness Agency at www. AR or the Arkansas office of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission at -office/littlerock/location] Speaking of unsightly property (July 20 issue) I want to mention another. I regularly shop at Big Star grocery (West Broadway) and evidently no one is concerned about the litter on that parking lot or entrance along the curb. The unsightly lot gives the food store a bad impression.

Also West Memphis needs a code to prevent unsightly litter along our city streets by not throwing their cups, wrappers, etc. out their car windows. Take it home to throw away! [Editor’s Note: Grocery store parking lots are incredibly hard to keep clean. People just treat them like one big dump. I’ve seen everything discarded in parking lots from dirty diapers to used condoms to entire trash bags of used clothes.

People just don’t care. I’m sure store managers care but I don’t know how much effort they put into keeping the lot picked up. Honestly, you could probably have a full-time position of just being the “Parking Lot Monitor” or whatever. If only people weren’t so inconsiderate… and speaking of inconsiderate. I hate, hate, hate when people throw trash out of their vehicle. You’re 100 percent right. Just take it home and throw it away for crying out loud!]

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