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tude. Start each day by reviewing the list of all you have to be thankful for.

Appreciating all of your blessings keeps your mind on a positive track. This positivity is a powerful force displacing poison.

Your body language reinforces your positive selftalk. Negative body language such as frowning, scowling, or a slumped over posture counteracts positive self-talk. So, smile and maintain a confident, upright stance.

Although you can’t control other people or circumstances, you can control your response. Since your response is based on your thoughts, constructive thoughts lead to constructive responses. Once a problem is identified, look for solutions instead of more problems.

Be willing to change as you discover the incredible benefits of letting go of poison. Discard ineffective behavior which you have been hanging on to. In order to realize positive changes, you have to take positive action.

Keep your mind open to finding ways to improve.

When you are feeling off, look for positive changes you can make. Don’t get stuck thinking there is nothing you can do.

Proactivity is required to get rid of poison. Passivity keeps you mired in negativity.

Stop procrastinating. Take action today which gets you in motion to bring about the changes you want. Think in terms of what you will do, instead of what you should do, or are going to do. What you do today is what matters.

Don’t compare yourself to others because it leads to jealousy. What they have, or don’t have does not impact you. Follow your own path. Formulate goals which are meaningful to you. Engage in pursuits which make you happy.

You can be so used to holding onto poison that you are not even aware of it.

Don’t accept poison as being part of life. Start today letting go of poisons one small step at a time.

One small step forward is preferable to inaction.

You’ll feel so much happier with each bit of poison released.

Now available: “ Dare to Live Without Limits,” the book. Visit www. BryanGolden. com or your bookstore. Bryan is a management consultant, motivational speaker, author, and adjunct professor. E- mail Bryan at bryan@ columnist. com.

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