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Opposition or Opportunity?


Do you think it is important to identify yourself with how the public identifies you?

Do you gain your confidence from the reaction of the public?

Nobody goes through life without facing judgment, opposition, misunderstanding, and hatred. Opposition is one of the greatest experiences you might have to face starting with your family, church, and community, which will spread like a wildfire into the public subjecting you to very harsh criticism, according to your life choices and now your integrity is being placed under investigation and questioned. And you have to make the choice to either live with the judgment or fade out of the spotlight.

No matter what the motive of the naysayers, the negative judgement can have a devastating impact on how you think of yourself. The pain is real and can completely destroy your confidence especially when these negative judgments come from your family and friends and not truth.

Experiencing hatred, lies, and continuous accusations of hypocrisy is not easy to cope with.

How do you not question your own purpose in the face of criticism and judgment? How do you sustain yourself in communities while being judged and resist the urge to walk away or lash out in the face of criticism?

One solution could be to ask yourself, how did Jesus cope with this? Because he had to face it. He moved around Palestine preaching love, joy, community and vulnerability, even as people called him names and hated him enough to kill him.

How did he stay focused in the face of this anger?

How did he let himself be vulnerable when others were attacking him?

How did he continue to have self-confidence in his mission? Whenever you try to accomplish anything

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‘A Political View’ By Sherry Holliman SHERRY HOLLIMAN (cont.)

significant you will face strong opposition. People that are under the control of others, content with not trailblazing, are least likely to not have to face public judgement. But the minute you wake up from a life of nothingness and shake off the worldly mindset and commit yourself to radical obedience you will encounter your opposition!

But at the end of the day, if you decide to be different, and own your truth, your real identity and not allow the opinions of others stop you from achieving your purpose in life you will have opposition.

As Jesus moved about doing his mission, he was met with every kind of reaction, sometimes the crowds loved him and tried to make him king; other times the same people hollered death threats. He was both loved and hated, and always there was his opposition. Yet he kept his truth, his courage and his joy. Despite the affirmations or criticisms of the moment, beyond public opinion, beyond the judgment of those who hated him.

In looking at Jesus, you should believe that, in the face of criticism and hatred, you can overcome criticism? Do not let other negative judgments intimidate you from your truth and your purpose, you feel you are called to do. Do not let others' hatred of you destroy your energy and peace. With knowing the history of Jesus, you should ask yourself, can I stay focused and be patient enough to let God, history and truth be my judge?

How much should I care about how I am seen and judged by others?

Should I take my identity from a reality deeper than public opinion and the view of those who like or dislike me?

Having opposition can cause you to be intimidated from doing what you are called to do. There will always be opposition.

Everyone one has different personalities, different histories, different perspectives, and all carrying wounds from life experiences.

Being courageous is not easy, but you must not let your truth and your peace die in the face of opposition. In life there will always be opposition whether it is professional or personal. Your opposition will always try to get you sidetracked or to give up completely. You must stay focused and have strong faith and understand that opposition is the opportunity to challenge yourself and make a difference for others.

If you respond accordingly, the opposition will drive you to your greater dependence and to a greater determination to do what you are called to do. If you give in to the opposition, you will quit your mission in discouragement.

Go to those within the community who are wise and fearless and ask them how they see you and how they handled their opposition? Know and accept there will always be criticism, and hatred. Jesus experienced this but kept his focus. Always keep your focus, make your oppositions be your opportunity!

Sherry Holliman is a concerned citizen of Crittenden County and has some views on a variety of topics that she wants to share with her neighbors. She serves on the Marion City Council.

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