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ood Morning. I am with


G ood Morning. I am with

the Montana Animal Care Association and I come down to West Memphis a couple of times a year to help at the West Memphis Animal Shelter. The WMAS does a huge service for your community and they are in dire need of public assistance by way of media. The amount of animals being left in scalding hot cars with the windows down only slightly, the dogs tethered with no shade and no water, people not having their pet contained and then it bites someone which leads to a quarantine at the shelter that is already busting at the seams with an overflow of animals. Animals not being spayed/neutered contributing to this overflow. Could you please do a story with photos on what is happening and show the heat scale of the inside of a car if an animal is left inside. Maybe it will help someone to think twice about taking their dog or child to town or the casino.

Animals are in need of spay and neuter in order to reduce the animals population there and slow down this influx.

I believe 1 reason for the influx of animals at shelters was due to there being so many pets adopted during covid when people were at home and now for various reasons they are turning them in at record numbers at shelters across the U.S.

This article is not a feel good story. I hope it would be an article to show the urgency in your community and possibly prevent the death of animals. They really need you help quickly as possible as they have removed suffering dogs from cars already. I have attached a scale to show you the temperature comparison for an animal left in a auto. Also pets left on hot pavement and back of trucks on metal is an issue. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this email request. I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Phyllis Ruana, President, The Montana

[Editor’s Note: Well, I think your message here will suffice to alert the public about this issue, and I’ve included the graphic you sent along with it to show that this is, indeed, something the general public needs to know. I will say that, to my knowledge we have only had two instances in this area where a child has died from being left in a hot vehicle, which is, of course, two too many. And I don’t know of any animal deaths from such an incidence, although, it’s quite possible that it has happened and simply not made it across my news desk. I would also like to go ahead and add making sure your animals have access to plenty of water and shade if they are outside pets, and take care to keep them off the hot asphalt if you take them for a walk!]

paper so I am hoping you get this way if you would run this please … VFW Post 5225 is having a Fish Fry on Friday June 24th. $15.00 each and live music! Golf Tournament on Saturday, June 25th. Thank you all are welcome! [Editor’s Note: Well, I actually want to thank you. I hadn’t gotten any texts on the Text the Times hotline all week, and I was worried that no one wanted to send me texts anymore, but your Facebook message got me to thinking, and so I investigated. It turns out that the old phone we use for Text the Times is so old it can’t run on a 4G or 5G network, and Sprint recently did away with their 3G network, so I had to retire Ol’ Bessie and switch over to a newer phone, which also has a new number. So, if you have sent me a text over the past week or so, I’m sorry, but I did not get it. Anyone who wants to can send me a message via Facebook messenger on the Evening Times Facebook page, send me an email at, or now you can text the time at our new texting number 201-771-1855. Hopefully that’s now in the little “Text the Times” graphic here with this column. I look forward to hearing from y’all soon! Oh, and you don’t say where or when the golf is. I’m assuming early in the morning and at Meadowbrook, but I suppose if you’re interested, you can find out at the fish fry!]

If you’re hot, they’re hot. Know when it’s not safe to keep your pets in the car with this handy chart.

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