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Excellent job explaining CRT. Sadly, ….


Excellent job explaining CRT. Sadly, most people don’t realize some aspect has been taught for years.

Only since the “woke” electorate made it a boogie man has it become controversial. Thank you for your presentation. [ Editor’s Note: Before I get too far into this response, let me say that your spelling of “ boogeyman” as “ boogie man” has made me chuckle as I can now not help but picture this monsterish monster dressed like a lost member of the Bee Gees and doing the John Travolta dance routine as seen in “ Saturday Night Fever”… Anyway, as has always been the case, all you really need to stir a bunch of folks into a frenzy about pretty much anything is to present it in an ominous way. For example, a poll I saw several years ago asked how concerned the average American was about the “ high levels of dihydrogen monoxide” found in some of the major water systems in the U. S.

Of course, the response was one of overwhelming concern, which I suppose might make sense… except that “ dihydrogen monoxide” is literally H20, as in the chemical formula for water. It’s actually more of a concern that at least part of our water supply is not “ dihydrogen monoxide.”

Another, one I saw more recently, asked the following “ yes or no” question: Do you think it should be mandatory to teach the Latin aphabet and Arabic numbers in public schools. 60% of those said “ no” to the Latin alphabet, while a whopping 71% said they didn’t want their kids learning no Arabic numbers. Hopefully, you already know where this is going… the “ Latin” alphabet is the very alphabet that you are reading right now. About 1,300 years ago, it was adopted over the Greek alphabet, and we’ve been using it ever since. As for those evil “ Arabic” numbers, you might have heard of them as well. They are… 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7, 8, 9… and so on and so forth. They replaced those confusing Roman numbers around 1200 A. D. And I am glad we did because I might be able to tell you what XXIV means but “ 24” is a whole lot easier, especially when it comes to math. So, yeah, you can say “ Critical Race Theory” and have folks go looking for pearls to clutch but it’s not a “ bogeyman” or a “ boogie man.” It’s just a way to teach about some of the issues on race that were and are historically important]

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