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Get Reconnected


I joked at the beginning of the coronavirus crisis that “this is my kind of apocalypse.”

No, not that people were getting sick, loved ones were dying, folks were out of work, and businesses were (and are still) struggling to survive.

But the part where we were supposed to stay home and not do anything? Yeah, that’s my jam. I’m definitely a “stay at home” kind of guy. I’ve been “sheltering in place” for years now. My wife? She’s a goer and a doer.

So, she was bouncing off the walls during quarantine, but was content to go out and do only what was necessary for work and for other essential needs and then plop right back on the couch.

But it’s over now… or at least the worst of it. And as much as I like just staying home, I’m glad I mean, I love my family, but after it’s been just us for a while, I realize it’s time to have conversations with other people.

I remember at the height of the lockdowns, a friend of mine and his wife and me and my wife got together one night and just sat socially-distanced from one another in our lawnchairs, they one end of the porch and we on the other. It wasn’t the Great Discourse of 2020 or anything, but it was good to reconnect and have quality interaction.

Now, you don’t have to go looking for the Great Discourse of 2022 or anything but you should take the time to reconnect too. Call up a friend, go to the park, get lunch… whatever. Just be as cautious as you think you need to be and rejoin the world.

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