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Rise up and Speak up


How often have you said, “Somebody should do something about this or that?”

Have you ever thought to yourself, one day I will say something about that? Do you believe that you can change the lives of families, and communities to help improve the quality of lives for everyone? If so, you need to rise up and say something!

The dictionary defines the word rise in a few ways, one being to stand on your legs and another to rebel against something.

For both purposes of this definition if you want to make a difference, you will need to stand on your legs, arms, or any body part that will help hold your ability to be confident.

The world will always need risers that make a difference. Rising up is a powerful movement that will show the powerful and powerless individuals that prejudice, discriminations, and inequalities will not be tolerated. People that rise up should be focused on speaking out against wrongful laws and policies that were created by powerful influencers to oppress certain classes or races of people. They should have the courage to rise and fall and rise again!

If you want to rise up and speak up you should have a plan that will bring together like-minded supporters to discuss specific issues. You will need to research the issue to show the need for changing the law or policy. It is also very important to help the public to understand the need to advocate the issue. This can be accomplished by planning educational workshops, using social media platforms, and distributing written material to churches or businesses.

The most effective advocate is a grassroots individual or local organization that is involved with their community. Because

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‘A Political View’ By Sherry Holliman SHERRY HOLLIMAN (cont.)

they are deeply connected to the community and knowledgeable about their local systems. One of the most direct ways to support causes is through speaking out. Most people are afraid to rise up and speak out because sometimes being an advocate brings tears, feelings of helplessness and welcomes personal attacks on the advocate or their friends and family. In today’s time rising up is needed and necessary because it is the transition that society must rely on to build power and equality.

Everyone has to make decisions throughout their life.

Some decisions are routine or easy, while others are complicated and risky.

There are certain types of people that enjoy taking risks, while others prefer stability and are against any type of risk. An advocate is a risk taker that will rise up to speak up. This individual will risk everything to achieve or accept greater potential for losses in decisions and is motivated by the uncertainty. If you know an advocate and believe in the cause, show your support because they are trying to make changes for the world or your community.

You must also understand that some of the policies and laws that guide our country were not created overnight, and neither will the changes that need to be made. Mahatma Gandhi stated, 'Be the change you want to see in the world.'

So, look in the mirror and say, “I will rise up and speak up today!”

Sherry Holliman is a concerned citizen of Crittenden County and has some views on a variety of topics that she wants to share with her neighbors. She serves on the Marion City Council.

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