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Murdock seeks State Senate seat


State Representative contending to replace retiring Keith Ingram Arkansas State Representative Reginald Murdock has filed to run for the Arkansas Senate District 9. This district, like all of the others, was recently redrawn because of state mandated realignment, is currently held by Senator Keith Ingram.

Ingram has chosen to not run for re-election.

Murdock said, “I have been honored and blessed to serve in the Arkansas House of Representatives since 2011, all but one term was with my friend Senator Keith Ingram. I thank him for his friendship and his contributions to our state.”

Representative Murdock, who served as Assistant Speaker of the House during the 2013 Legislative Session, thanked all of the citizens that reached out to encourage him to run for the Senate; a list that included legislative colleagues, past and present; members of the clergy; educators; small business owners and so many other good, honest, hard-working people of the Delta who don’t hold any positions, that just want the best for our region and their families. Representative Murdock is currently number 4 in seniority, and he believes that his legislative experience and will serve the citizens of District 9 well. He pledged that if elected, he will bring the same level of hard work, leadership, integrity, results and access that his constituents have come to expect from him.

Representative Murdock sponsored numerous pieces of legislation that are having a positive impact on the people of Arkansas, including the most widely utilized piece of education reform legislation, commonly referred to as the “Waiver Bill”. It allows school districts to petition the State Board of Education for the same waivers granted to openenrollment charter schools. This landmark law ensures the best opportunity for every child to have access to the highest quality edu-

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State Representative Reginald Murdock MURDOCK (cont.)

cation. Additionally, on three occasions, Murdock took the lead on giving teachers, much deserved, pay raises. He also changed the state’s school funding formula, channeling additional dollars for facilities to the districts where they are needed most.

Murdock authored legislation that provides critical healthcare to over 400,000 Arkansans who had never had insurance coverage.

His legislative leadership and business experience was key in bringing Big River Steel to the Delta.

This was the state’s largest economic development initiative at time, and it created hundreds of high paying jobs for the entire region, particularly residents of Crittenden, St Francis, Lee, Phillips and Mississippi Counties. Of the numerous bills that he authored that became law, Murdock is very proud to his leadership in creating the state’s first and only sickle cell clinic, which has given hundreds of Arkansans, suffering with this often tragic diagnosis, a new lease on life.

Murdock, an engineer and construction company owner, said, “During these turbulent times as we grapple with inflation and other challenges to our economy caused largely by the pandemic that we are still struggling to come out of, it’s imperative that we send a leader to the State Senate that has a record of getting things done, and who is fearless, committed and effective in fighting for our beloved Delta. That is why I am asking the voters of Senate District 9 to elect me, I will continue to make sure that our region gets at least its fair share from our state capitol.”

Representative Murdock is a member of the Church of Christ. He lives in Marianna with his wife Willie and their children.

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