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this idea would be


What’s this I hear about schools going to a four day school week? Don’t they know OR CARE that for many of us that would be a nighmare trying to get our children taken care of for ONE day a week? I don’t understand why it’s all about the money and not about the children!!! Looks like it might be time to move… [ Editor’s Note: I have heard about this a little, and to clarify, it’s the West Memphis School District is considering this scheduling change for the 2022- 23 school year. What it would look like, if I understand correctly, is that the school day for students would be something like 7: 30 a. m. to 4: 30 p. m. from Tuesday through Friday. It wouldn’t actually effect the number of inclass time per week, just consolidate it into four days instead of five. And while money is, I’m sure, not the primary factor driving this move, it does make a lot of financial sense, in that you’d have a 20% cut in things like gas for buses, lights and water use, food costs, etc. I don’t really know how effective or ineffective

as I have no experience with it. I do see what you’re saying about kids needing someone to watch them on that one day, which, factoring in holidays

about 30 Mondays per school year. I’m sure the local boys and girls clubs will have some sort of program in place to accommodate these kids, and the school district itself might already be planning some sort of program. I assure you they are aware that some parents will have an issue with this proposal should it be put in place]

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