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you of energy needed to handle the present and plan for the future. Your energy is best spent ensuring that you will be OK.

After experiencing a loss, a period of grieving is normal but should not become a way of life. Everything in life is temporary. What varies is the timing. As much as you may miss someone, there are people who depend on and need you. Focusing on the needs of others is an effective and positive way to move forward.

Perhaps you are unhappy with the results from your decisions. Everyone makes bad calls. There are no 'doovers' — life goes on. How do you get back on track?

Learn from your experiences and keep going.

Inaction will cause you to feel worse.

Channeling your energy into positive action is one of the best cures for being disheartened. For example, if you’ve lost a job, immediately

getting another one. No matter how bad unemployment is, the odds are always weighted heavily in your favor. Even if the unemployment rate was an astronomical 15% you have an 85% chance of finding a job.

If a relationship has ended without any chance of reconciliation,

the fact that there are numerous people in the same boat. Get out, circulate, and meet people.

If you’ve made a bad decision and are unhappy with your circumstances, resolve to change direction.

Effecting a correction can be difficult, but persisting in an unhappy state is torture.

Everyone encounters adversity. No one is ever singled out. No one knows why some things happen, they just do. Some decide to regain their footing, catch their breath and keep walking forward. Others choose to give up.

Each time you overcome adversity you get stronger and wiser and can teach others by example how to do it also.

speaker, author, and adjunct professor. Now available: ' Dare to Live Without Limits,' the book.

Visit www. BryanGolden. com or your bookstore. © 2020 Bryan Golden.

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