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hat happened to the local police reports in Friday’s edition????

hat happened to the  local police reports in Friday’s edition????


W hat happened to the local police reports in Friday’s edition????

[Editor’s Note: I assume you mean last Wednesday’s edition (although I suppose if you don’t read it until Friday … ). Anyway, we simply had too much news and not enough space to run the weekly police reports in last week’s print edition, so they got bumped to one of the e-editions later in the week. I guess I should take this opportunity to remind everyone that the Evening Times is still a _ve-times-a-week paper.

Yes, we only print once a week, but we put out an online edition Monday through Friday, with the online paper featuring news, commentary, expanded regional coverage and more. It’s included in the cost of your subscription, so if you have internet access, you really should give it a shot. I’ll be honest and tell you I’d much rather have a newspaper in my hand than read it on a screen, but that is simply going away … not just the Evening Times, but the Commercial Appeal, the Democrat-Gazette, and virtually every newspaper around. It will eventually be that the only way to get news will be online] Just an observation, in the July 7th edition of the Evening Times, a tale of two dumpsters, those two pictures are showing the same dumpster with the trash rearranged different.

White liquid spilled on dumpster are exactly the same in both pictures. Did not anymore notice? Green chair in both pictures, to.

[Editor’s Note: Hey, look it’s a text about a story that appeared in one of the online editions! For those who did not see the story, the city of West Memphis has borrowed a set of Dumpsters from the county so that citizens can take their trash to them if the city’s sanitation department is behind on pickups in their neighborhood. The response was very good … maybe too good, as all sorts of things ended up piled up, including, as one person pointed out, “a whole basketball goal”…

like the backboard, hoop, 10-foot pole and base and all] Do they really think they are going to have school this year? [ Editor’s Note: Oh, there will de_nitely be school this year. Now, what will that look like? I can’t say. Ideally, they would be able to have classes on campus with online options for those whose parents are unsure about sending their kids to school or can’t because of heath reasons (for either the student themselves or someone who lives in the home).

They pushed the start date back a couple of weeks to give educators a little more time to get their ducks in a row, but let’s face reality … there is no good answer – or at least no easy answer.

No single solution is going to meet the needs of every student. Many students will be able to thrive in a remote learning environment. Many students absolutely need in-person instruction.

It gets even more complicated when you look at things like school sports and clubs and big events that make up a big part of the school year. The best thing I can offer is a “wait and see” approach] So do you want the lying racist who can’t even drink a glass of water with one hand or a feeble minded old man who can’t get two sentences in a row out without forgetting what he was trying to say? 2020 …

sigh. [Editor’s Note: Are those my only two options? They are? Dang …]

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