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RIP Frank Martin and Chief Brewer. That leaves some mighty big shoes to fill.

RIP Frank Martin and  Chief Brewer. That leaves some mighty big shoes to fill.


If what we’ve been told about how the coronavirus spreads and how dangerous it is then with all of these protests going on we should be seeing a giant spike in positive cases pretty soon right? What are they going to say then?

Time to open her back up!

[Editor’s Note: What makes me the most frustrated about this text is that you’re somehow rooting against people who are trying to address injustice and rooting for people to get sick, all the while hoping for some smug satisfaction in that the coronavirus isn’t killing people at a fast enough rate or in large enough numbers to justify your inconvenience. I’ll offer you another scenario.

Many of the people who are risking their health and safety to protest the killing of George Floyd are the ones who actually have been following the government’s coronavirus protocols, such as sheltering in place and social distancing, so maybe that’s why they’re actually healthy enough to be out protesting, continuing to wear masks and following CDC guidelines?] *** Why is Walmart still closing at 5:00 in the afternoon? It was bad enough that they have been closing at 8:30. You know, some of us still have jobs and can’t just run to the store whenever we feel like it. SMH

[ Editor’s Note: Wait, with millions of people unemployed, you still have a job… and you’re complaining. Well, that sounds about right. I recently had someone explain to me ( and I have no reason to believe they were lying) that looted inventory is not covered by corporate insurance, so Walmart closing while it’s still daylight outside is probably a smart business decision. I do understand it’s inconvenient, but probably not as inconvenient as the store closing down after being looted and possibly burned or damaged in some way. Do I think that would happen here? No, probably not, but it’s not impossible]


[ Editor’s Note: I knew both men, but I only knew Chief Brewer through work and we only spoke a few times, a couple as part of a story about his karate teaching and a couple once he was fire chief. I’m sure there are plenty of folks mourning his death. I knew Frank longer and better. In addition to being one of the first people I got to know when I started reporting West Memphis news in 2010, his granddaughter and my daughter played volleyball together. They will both be missed sorely and best of luck to whoever is tapped for their spots!]

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