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Almost prime time

Almost prime time


April is the kick off of some of the best fishing of the year. The 8th is Full Moon, and some folks say the full moon makes people go crazy and do strange things. In the fishing world, it makes the fish go crazy and try to eat all your bait. The week before full moon and a few days after it encourages the fish to go on beds and spawn, especially bream and crappie. The months of April, May, and June are all a great time to catch almost any species of fish in our local lakes. With the virus problem, fishing is a great way to practice social distancing.

Wapanocca fishing has improved with stringers of nice crappie being caught in the woods using both jigs and minnows. Spider rigs are producing a fair number in the open lake. Bass fishermen tell of catching some bass on top water baits, but most are on spinner baits or plastic worms. Bream are starting to be caught. When the “brim” go on the bed, fishing can be spectular. Wapanocca is an early lake because it is shallow and the coon tail moss can quickly make the fishing very difficult. Crappie fishermen continue to catch nice fish by the spill way behind the headquarters.

Horseshoe has had a good winter and early spring with good catches of crappie and bass. With prime time it will really get good. Several years ago, the bream fishing was very good, but it has declined. No one is sure why but plenty of theories abound. A popular theory is the explosion of crappie, bass, and catfish have eaten most of the small bream coming off the beds. However, many lakes have good populations of all fish. Bream fishing can be good if a bed can be found. A popular place is the stump field in front of 5 Lakes pier and in the Happy Jack woods. Recent rains have muddied the bayous and raised the water level around the piers. Crappie have started hanging around the cypress and these are usually large fish. Spider riggers are catching fish about 8-10 feet deep. Almost all the fish have eggs and are close to spawning.

Turkey hunting is the ultimate in social distancing. Chasing Thanksgiving dinner is truly a solitary sport. Most hunting is one person with an occasional two hunters close together, such as father and son sharing a big tree or small blind, or two good friends. Arkansas turkey populations have been declining the last few years. A large number of theories abound from habitat loss, and high river waters, to animal predations due large numbers of coons and coyotes. It is a probably a combination of all the factors. Youth hunt is this Saturday and Sunday, April 11-12, 2020. Regular season, depending on the zone, starts April 13 and continues till April 28. Be sure to check the free AGFC guide book for the zones and regulations. Only 1 bearded bird per day with a maximum of 2 birds is permitted. Again, CHECK the regulations because zones differ!

Tilden Rogers and Marion Sports Complex Lake are really popular on pretty days. The lakes were recently stocked with catfish and bream. Trout stocking is over until next fall. The walk ways around the lakes always have a few joggers and walkers. Fishermen of all ages enjoy catching fish from the bank using an assortment of baits and fishing equipment to catch mostly catfish and bream. Occasionally a trout or crappie is caught. Earlier in the spring, a 5 pound bass was caught and released plus a 15 pound catfish that made its way to the supper table. Our city fathers did well by giving us these wonderful outdoors centers. The usurers have done a good job of keeping them clean and free of litter and trash. In these troubled times, it is nice to have a place to enjoy and walk off some of the cabin fever.

Easter Sunday is this Sunday April 12 and this would be a very good year to get on our knees and ask the Good Lord for help. We know that Jesus loved fishermen. Many of His disciples were fishermen. He fed the multitudes with a little boy’s 2 fish. He said, “Put the nets on the other side of the boat” and the nets could not hold the catch. Most important, He said, “Follow me and I will make you a fishers of men”. Because Jesus is on the fishermen’s side, we have had several very nice days of fishing weather leading into Easter Sunday. Don’t push you luck. Go to church on Sunday and fish next week. Remember going to the drive in theaters and sitting in your car to watch the show? First Baptist West Memphis is holding drive in church. This Easter there will be 2 services, the first starting at 9am and the second at 11am. Come join us and sit in your car to hear the message of Jesus and salvation.

During the extended spring and work break, there is no reason not to take the kid, the fishing pole and some bait, and head to the “fishin” hole. Take plenty of pictures and send them to Papa Duck along with the story that goes with them. Let us all enjoy the fun. Some good news will be welcomed. Hand sanitizer is hard to get but a pharmacist friend said that ethyl alcohol is the active ingredient. It would work but will probably dry your hands out. Lakeside Taxidermy is glad to mount that big fish or gobbler quickly at reasonable prices. You will be glad to show it off. Warden Andy needs some outdoor question. Our wardens are not on spring break so it is better to ask before they tell you why it costs a ticket and visit to Judge Thorne. During these tough times be sure to support our local merchants and buy American made products, Everybody is familiar with “made in China”, so remember that is where the coronavirus came from! USA! USA! USA!

Papa Duck Lakeside Taxidermy 901-482-3430

Anna Criner, Papa Duck’s granddaughter, holds up a 5-pound catfish she caught all by herself.

Photos by John Criner

Emile Kindle shows off this large slab crappie he landed fishing a lake near Proctor.

Chris Cummings, Nate Finley, and Jade Quesnel had some fun fishing for crappie on Horseshoe Lake over the weekend.

Now that’s a massive catfish. This sea monster was snagged out at Horseshoe Lake over the weekend.

John Criner

Times Outdoor Columnist

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