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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Again, we see the misuse of power by America’s most powerful person – Mark Zuckerberg.

Facebook has refused to take down President Trump’s fake video. The parts of the video are real but mixed together to give a false, offensive and damming view of Speaker Pelosi’s ripping up of his speech. Would Mr Zuckerberg take down a fake and very offensive video showing him clapping to speeches from Idi Amin, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler or even Chairman Mao? It would be very easy to do this editing.

Basically if you know it is fake and offensive, take it down and block the user. [Editor’s Note: Don’t get me wrong… fake news is everywhere, and I hate it. However, it’s clearly not going away any time soon. Now, having said that, yeah, this one is pretty blatantly an attempt to make Pelosi look bad.

The funny thing is (and I mean “funny” in a sad way, not a “ha-ha” kind of way) is that Pelosi brought it on herself when she made the conscious decision to rips Trump’s speech in half on national television. In a world where there’s recordings of everything, and in a society where everything and everyone is turned into an “internet meme” for our consumption, she can’t be surprised. I’m actually a little surprised that it wasn’t edited to look like she was tearing up the U.S.Constitution or the American flag. And you can’t be surprised at President Trump for loving it.

If you recall, this is the same guy who re-tweeted doctored footage from his Wrestlemania appearance so that it looked like he was beating up CNN with a steel chair. Do I condone the doctored footage? Absolutely not. The saddest part is that there will now be thousands of people who view and share the video of Pelosi tearing up the speech as Trump is honoring the Tuskegee Airmen and think it’s real. In a month, they’ll have forgotten all about it and then it will pop up in their memory as something that really happened, and there won’t be anyone who will ever bother to correct them. These are the same people who think school shootings are staged, the earth is flat, and a Nigerian prince wants to send them a million dollars] *** It is way past time for Mayor Marco to say enough is enough with the way the city is running its garbage pickups.

Fire everyone and start over is what he should do!!! [Editor’s Note: Not gonna lie… I haven’t heard anything about problems with the West Memphis trash pickup in a while, so I assumed everything was going fine these days. But if it is still a problem, I will suggest once again that it might be time to privatize the city’s trash collection. It would probably be cheaper and it would definitely be more efficient. I know it would cost some jobs, but if that job isn’t being done properly, it might be for the best] *** Why is everyone freaking out about the schools in Marion changing to a different calendar?

It’s not that different and I bet the kids would apprecaite more breaks.

[Editor’s Note: At the end of the day, I think you’re right. It really isn’t that much different. I know it would take some getting used to, and I know there are those who will be forced to rework their custody arrangements, but that’s really a one-time adjustment and going forward, it may or may not make a big impact. But I do applaud the school district for doing some out-of-the-box thinking and seeing what other school districts have done. And if you absolutely hate it or can’t work around it, the West Memphis School District would probably welcome those students with open arms]

Here’s what everyone is talking about this week:

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