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New Year, Old Ways

New Year, Old Ways


By Robert L. Hall

A new year is here, but it’s the same old hypocrisy showing its face.

Like the case of the Iranian hit-man just cleaned as he was in Iraq, planning to overrun the U.S. embassy there.

Seems that some have a question about that?

Only, I don’t know what the question could be?

I mean, if you happened to look out the window and see a rabid dog slobbering along, bearing down on a helpless child in the neighbor’s yard, wouldn’t you KNOW what to do?

Here’s a help.

I hope you wouldn’t call the neighbor and ask permission to take care of the dog.

I trust you wouldn’t go out in the yard and ask the child if he/ she would go into the house, like a permissive parent.

I propose that you wouldn’t call the police while the beast ate the child, bit by bit.

Instead perhaps, one could only hope that you might grab the nearest firearm at hand and take care of business.

Which is figuratively precisely what our President did.

But one political party (Guess Who?) says they have a problem with that.

They needed to be notified beforehand, they demanded.

So, let’s take the Way-Back Machine back to the time of the previous administration. When Obama authorized 3,000 drone strikes in the Middle East and did a 300-bomb drop in Libya.

Don’t recall him asking permission from Congress?

Especially not fellow Democrats.

Yet, they were giving him a tongue-bath for it.

The afterglow from their love fest was so intense, the Democrats and their lapdogs in the Old Media needed a cigarette after the strikes.

But then Obama did an abrupt about-face.

After drawing his famous ‘Line in the Sand.’ Pulling our troops out of Iraq, and declaring Isis a “J.V. team.”

And so Islamists terrorists moved in and took over in the region.

I seem to remember them celebrating by the customary “Cutting of Heads” ceremony which they did not shrink from putting on the Internet.

Then Trump came on the scene and did for Isis.

Like he waved a magic wand and, ‘poof,’ no Isis.

And Democrats went ballistic, declaring that he was getting us back into a Middle East fracas in Syria.

But after Isis was mopped up, he pulled the troops out of Syria.

And the Democrats went ballistic, saying that he was abandoning the Kurds and our allies in Syria.

Then ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed by US troops in a raid ordered by Trump.

So the New York Times, not criticizing his direct action, instead attacked the President’s character, declaring, “Mr. Trump (they never allow him the proper designation of ‘President’ as they should) seems to have made up the scene of a “whimpering terrorist,” even though the Times had absolutely no access whatsoever of secure surveillance tapes of the raid to prove that.

And the Washington Post took the occasion to attempt to cast doubt on the decision to take out al-Baghdadi by labeling the terrorist leader as an “austere religious scholar.”

As Democrats again went ballistic about being kept out of the loop about the raid.

Then, the latest action against Soleimani, Iran’s number one terrorist, responsible for the death of 600 American soldiers and wounding of thousands more.

And… You guessed it.

The predictable Democrats went ballistic.

Trump is starting a war.

Trump didn’t have the authority to do it.

Trump didn’t notify us first to ask permission.

Etc., etc., etc., And you could also predict what came next. Here comes the snow job by their liberal shills in the Old Media: Yes… the same Washington Post that called ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi an “austere religious scholar” said Soleimani was Iran’s “most revered military leader.”

Like he was someone you would like to have a beer with.


It begs the question, if you are against everything, then what are you for?

Need another example?

How about this, from Senator Chris Murphy (Democrat-CT)”: (Comments from Breitbart. com) ‘Murphy, who serves on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, tweeted on Tuesday: “The attack on our embassy in Baghdad is horrifying but predictable. Trump has rendered America impotent in the Middle East. No one fears us, no one listens to us. America has been reduced to huddling in safe rooms, hoping the bad guys will go away. What a disgrace.”’ Then, the PREDICTABLE TURNABOUT after the takeout of Soleimani: ‘On Thursday evening, after Trump’s successful attack, Murphy tweeted that the problem was actually that Trump was being too aggressive: “Soleimani was an enemy of the United States. That’s not a question. The question is this – as reports suggest, did America just assassinate, without any congressional authorization, the second most powerful person in Iran, knowingly setting off a potential massive regional war?”’ Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Can you spell ‘Hy-pocrite?’ I thought you could.

Robert L. Hall is a resident of Marion and has a Bachelor’s Degree in music from the University of Memphis and a Master’s Degree from Florida State University. He is the pianist for Avondale Baptist Church and a writer of fiction on Amazon eBooks.

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