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The Revolution Has Begun


The Revolution Has Begun

It has started in earnest now.

There will be no turning back.

You will not avoid the news, that one-half the Democratic Party is in favor of having a dour, snuffy Communist become your next President.

You will hear that a pantsuited rich Yankee woman is racing for the same office, but only if she can beat the FBI in a footrace for the prize before they put her in an orange jumpsuit with an eight-digit number on the pocket.

You can't escape hearing that Black Lives Matter is screaming for equality, which they were already given well over one-hundred years ago, but only after the blood of nearly a million souls paid for their freedom with the fullest measure-more American deaths than all other wars combined.

Guess they didn't get the memo?

You will protest against children not being educated, cops losing the war against criminals, and our borders overrun by terrorists and the refuse of the Third World bringing crime, disease and poverty with them.

But, you cannot miss the GREAT NEWS, that we are beginning to wake up to see the politicians have all been taking us all to the cleaners and now it's time to clean house You will notice that it is time for Mitch McConnell to go. And, Mitch, while you skipping town, don't forget to take out the trash and put the rest of the RINO (Republican In Name Only) Republicans: Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, and Mitt Romney… in the can with you and all of you roll on out of here, will you?) You won't need to read the words on the wall, divine the entrails of doves, or read tea leaves to know Americans have awakened, opened their eyes and are good and mad at their shenanigans.

Times are a-changin'!

You will listen to your music turning to dung because no one has taken the time to figure out discipline and practice is needed to produce art. And if there is any good music you won't hear it on the radio anyway.

You will therefore invent a newer, different, vibrant music.

You are becoming so illiterate that you could shoot film on any corner in the country and call it the “Dumb and Dumber-The Movie Sequel.”

You will stop reading books, AND IT'S NOT ALL YOUR FAULT!

They make as much sense if you turned the books upside-down and tried read them, or cut out every other sentence and flipped through the pages. No wonder we don't read anymorethe disconnect is too wide between those who are writing and who have never worked, the all those out here who can't read a blinking word anyway but wake up every morning with bleeding scabs on their hands from their incessant toiling.

And you need to stop reading them, precisely BECAUSE they are irrelevant.

Instead, you will invent a robust literature to take its place.

You will witness the middle- class splitting WIDE OPEN now, between the have-nothings and havesomethings, while you pay for gas to take you work , as half the nation is on reliefand those who are working are paying through the nose to send welfare checks to those who don't, or won'tmore like. You won't blame anyone anymore about attitudes because EVERYONE will have one.

But, attitudes will change when the revolution hits.

The truth's out there to discover, like diamonds in the rough.

You will see its all good news.

However, you will NOT see it on the news!

Because the Old Media WANTS you uninformed and clueless.

'The Revolution Will Not Be Televised,' as the old clarion song goes.

But, you will see through the mist, past the veil, to the man behind the curtain. “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” they will scream and try desperately to deflect your attention away from the revolution to come.

But you will look and you will see for yourself!

The first step to recovery is recognizing where you are.

Your country's tanking, and you're going down with all the others-like we're all on the Titanic, and it doesn't matter if we are simply passengers in lounge chairs, the boys in the band, or the Captain of the ship. We're all in the same boat, and it does not matter how big it is.

Some say we won't sinkthe Deniers.

Like when the Wall Street businesses all failed and collapsed, bringing down this cruddy Depression on our heads which has lasted almost a decade already. They were TOO BIG to fail! Remember that infamous quotation?

But, ancient Greece fell and so did Rome, didn't they?

Only, YOU know the Revolution Has Begun!

You will feel the tides of truth spill out now and all boats will begin to rise as hopes float.

And your hopes WILL float once more. They will resurrect from the bottom of the deepest depths, crest the surface and rise like a Leviathan.

And then, maybe if you are medicating, you won't need a 'Happy Pill' in the morning in order to maintain a good disposition, or if you are destitute, you won't have to take crack to make it through another depressing day in the life of…

By Robert L. Hall

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