28 August 2024
Making food safety, animal health a national priority

Making food safety, animal health a national priority

Sen. John Boozman P oultry is the largest agricultural industry in Arkansas, representing almost 40 percent of production and accounting for one...
Finalizing the school funding formula

Finalizing the school funding formula

Sen. Reginald Murdock T he Senate and House Education Committees are close to finalizing next year’s school funding formula. They have work...
$15 million to support Arkansans with substance use disorder, mental illness,  and intellectual disabilities

$15 million to support Arkansans with substance use disorder, mental illness, and intellectual disabilities

Gov. Sarah Sanders T oday, I, along with the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) am announcing $15 million in grants to fund infrastruct...


As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?...
21 August 2024
Celebrating two years of PACT Act

Celebrating two years of PACT Act

O ur nation made a promise to the men and women who served in uniform that we would take care of them. This month marks the two-year anniversary...
A vote and a prayer

A vote and a prayer

VIEWPOINT By RALPH HARDIN Evening Times Editor I was watching the Democratic National Convention last night. And unsurprisingly, it was the s...
Declaration of disaster following summer storms

Declaration of disaster following summer storms

O n August 16, 2024, severe thunderstorms and strong winds occurred in Northwest Arkansas, causing danger, hardship, and suffering which now warr...
More improvements coming to highways

More improvements coming to highways

Arkansas Department T he of Transportation estimates that in 2027 and 2028 about $2.2 billion of new projects will be added to its list of highway...


“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” ...
14 August 2024
Improving access to care for seniors

Improving access to care for seniors

Sen. John Boozman L ong- term care and senior living in our country are taking on a dramatic shift as more Americans enter advanced age. This will...
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