09 February 2016
‘ Call before you dig…’

‘ Call before you dig…’

‘ Call before you dig...’ Residents cautioned on danger of underground hazards news@theeveningtimes.com They take more phone calls a day tha...
‘Way to Bee!’

‘Way to Bee!’

Photo courtesy of WMCS ‘Way to Bee!’ On Friday, Jan. 29, West Memphis Christian School held their annual Geography Bee. A Geography Bee is ...
08 February 2016
2016 Sultana Heritage Festival starting to take shape

2016 Sultana Heritage Festival starting to take shape

2016 Sultana Heritage Festival starting to take shape Chamber making plans for April 30May 1 event By Mark Randall news@theeveningtimes.com ...
West Memphis looks to stick with long-term plans with grant funds

West Memphis looks to stick with long-term plans with grant funds

West Memphis looks to stick with long-term plans with grant funds Community Development money focuses on rehab, drainage news@theeveningtimes.c...
Memphis Mayor to speak at WM Chamber Banquet

Memphis Mayor to speak at WM Chamber Banquet

Memphis Mayor to speak at WM Chamber Banquet Strickland will deliver keynote address at 69th annual affair ralphhardin@gmail.com The Honorable J...
05 February 2016
American Legion challenges major changes planned by Memphis VA Medical Center

American Legion challenges major changes planned by Memphis VA Medical Center

American Legion challenges major changes planned by Memphis VA Medical Center Local legionnaires travel to Little Rock to address concerns Ameri...
Knights of Columbus  Oyster Supper

Knights of Columbus Oyster Supper

Knights of Columbus Oyster Supper ......
Election  Commission gets bad ballots

Election Commission gets bad ballots

Election Commission gets bad ballots Absentee forms put some residents in wrong district ralphhardin@gmail.com The Crittenden County Election...
Earle receives clean audit

Earle receives clean audit

Earle receives clean audit Minor violations ‘ have been corrected already’ news@theeveningtimes.com Earle received a clean audit report fr...
04 February 2016


FEBRUARY 7TH, 2016 ......
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