05 December 2016
Southland helps provide dinner to community

Southland helps provide dinner to community

Southland helps provide dinner to community Southland Park Gaming & Racing Southland Park Gaming & Racing provided more than 160 turkeys...
Cards of Thanks

Cards of Thanks

Cards of Thanks Thanks from Kenneth Cross, Justice of the Peace for District 9. Special thanks to my constituents in Earle Crawfordsville, Lansing...
News Briefs

News Briefs

News Briefs The Evening Times prints briefs about events for organizations, schools and governmental agencies. News briefs are accepted at the ...
Gaither Homecoming Christmas to play at Landers Center in Southaven

Gaither Homecoming Christmas to play at Landers Center in Southaven

Gaither Homecoming Christmas to play at Landers Center in Southaven Grammy Award- winning gospel group presents holiday show writersink@att.net ...
The time of the year that even the music lets you know

The time of the year that even the music lets you know

The time of the year that even the music lets you know Local Commentary Before I get started I want to wish my precious wife of 56 years a Happy B...
02 December 2016
Fun with catapults at MMS

Fun with catapults at MMS

Fun with catapults at MMS The purpose of the project was to give students the challenge of creating a catapult capable of launching a ping pong b...
Pretty lights all aglow

Pretty lights all aglow

Pretty lights all aglow The home of Freddie and Debi Williams will no doubt once again be a holiday spectacular again this year, and all over Crit...
Sugar Plum Market just around the corner…

Sugar Plum Market just around the corner…

Sugar Plum Market just around the corner... 6th annual EastArk Enterprises fundraiser Saturday at new location ralphhardin@gmail.com Trainees at...
Hughes/Horseshoe  Lake News

Hughes/Horseshoe Lake News

Hughes/Horseshoe Lake News Busy Season hbacond7@aol.com Chuck and Janey Carpenter of Horseshoe Lake have had a busy last two months. Their son,...
Merry Christmas! Stay Awake!

Merry Christmas! Stay Awake!

Merry Christmas! Stay Awake! I was doing some holiday shopping at Michael’s (the craft store) in the late afternoon when I heard a conversation...
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