05 February 2016
Today in History

Today in History

Today in History 1556 Henry II of France and Philip of Spain sign the truce of Vaucelles. 1631 A ship from Bristol, the Lyon, arrives with prov...
Ozone attainment status a boon for area development

Ozone attainment status a boon for area development

Our View Ozone attainment status a boon for area development It has certainly been a long time coming, but finally, finally, the big black clo...


BIBLE VERSE I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that...
State jobless rate continues to fall

State jobless rate continues to fall

State jobless rate continues to fall This month it was announced that Arkansas’s unemployment rate fell below 5 percent for the first time sinc...
News Briefs

News Briefs

News Briefs The Evening Times prints briefs about events for organizations, schools and govern-mental agencies. News briefs are accepted at the ...
Life is better at the cabin…  even if you don’t have one!

Life is better at the cabin… even if you don’t have one!

Life is better at the cabin... even if you don't have one! Do you love the thought of a romantic get-away up in the mountains in a rustic cabin? ...
Cherry Picking

Cherry Picking

Cherry Picking ‘AWord from the Pastor’ By Clayton Adams Do you cherry pick? What I mean by this question is do you select the best or most d...
Church Announcements

Church Announcements

Church Announcements Send church items to wmtimesclerk@ gmail. com by 10 a. m. Wednesday. The deadline for faxed items and hand- delivered items i...
Hughes/ Horseshoe

Hughes/ Horseshoe

Hughes/ Horseshoe By Holly Bacon hbacond7@aol.com Master Gardener Training Class Last call to begin the 2016 Master Gardener Training Class in C...
Sarah Ruth Crosthwait

Sarah Ruth Crosthwait

Sarah Ruth Crosthwait Sarah Ruth Crosthwait, 81, Lebanon Missouri, passed away Friday, Jan. 29, 2016, in Lebanon Missouri. She is survived by ...
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