08 February 2016
Michelle Hale Owens at Guaranty Insurance

Michelle Hale Owens at Guaranty Insurance

American Legion challenges major changes planned by Memphis VA Medical Center Local legionnaires travel to Little Rock to address concerns Ameri...
100 days of school

100 days of school

100 days of school Submitted photos Avondale Elementary School recently celebrated the 100th day of school. Several students dressed up like 10...
Preserve Arkansas seeks nominations for 2016 list

Preserve Arkansas seeks nominations for 2016 list

Preserve Arkansas seeks nominations for 2016 list Help identify Arkansas ’ endangered historic places From Vanessa McKuiii vmckuin@preservea...
News Briefs

News Briefs

News Briefs The Evening Times prints briefs about events for organizations, schools and govern-mental agencies. News briefs are accepted at the ...
Celebration time for your sweetheart is coming

Celebration time for your sweetheart is coming

Celebration time for your sweetheart is coming OK, here it is again — that time for you to go out and buy that box of chocolates or that bouquet...


COMICS ......


HOROSCOPE For Tuesday, February 9, 2016 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You can get a lot done behind the scenes today regarding shared property, in...


Lockhorns© By John Reiner ......
Parents supporting adult son are doing him no favors

Parents supporting adult son are doing him no favors

Dear Abby Parents supporting adult son are doing him no favors By Abigail Van Buren DEAR ABBY: Nine years ago I married a man who has a son ...
Evidence suggests vaccines safe for most people with autoimmune disease

Evidence suggests vaccines safe for most people with autoimmune disease

Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D Evidence suggests vaccines safe for most people with autoimmune disease DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 39-year-old male with sy...
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