29 March 2016
News Briefs

News Briefs

News Briefs The Evening Times prints briefs about events for organizations, schools and governmental agencies. News briefs are accepted at the T...
America needs the message of Easter

America needs the message of Easter

America needs the message of Easter The story of Easter is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Biblical story is about his crucifixion, burial a...
Glenn Mollette

Glenn Mollette

Glenn Mollette ......
28 March 2016
Decoding ‘Puppy Language’: What’s your pooch saying?

Decoding ‘Puppy Language’: What’s your pooch saying?

Decoding ‘Puppy Language’: What’s your pooch saying? Celebrating National Puppy Day Nonverbal communication accounts for 93 percent of the...
By Sinthey Ann  Williams Breyel Guest Columnist

By Sinthey Ann Williams Breyel Guest Columnist

By Sinthey Ann Williams Breyel Guest Columnist First, a bit of background to this special edition of “Earle News”: Six months ago, I had n...
News Briefs

News Briefs

News Briefs The Evening Times prints briefs about events for organizations, schools and governmental agencies. News briefs are accepted at the T...
With the last signature, it became dead

With the last signature, it became dead

With the last signature, it became dead I know right about now, you are thinking, “Those words are really strange.” So let me explain just wha...
Dr. Seuss Read Across America at Wonder Elementary

Dr. Seuss Read Across America at Wonder Elementary

Photos submitted Dr. Seuss Read Across America at Wonder Elementary Top: Teachers enjoyed putting on the presentation (from left to right) Ms. ...
25 March 2016
Text The Times.

Text The Times.

Text The Times. Did we ever hear what happened to the punk that brought the gun to school? [ Editor’s Note: I know that he was charged with Po...


OBITUARIES Mark Sheffield Brown, 61, of Horseshoe Lake passed away on Tuesday, March 22, 2016 in Memphis, Tennessee. He was born in Memphis on ...
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