02 August 2016
The Civil Air Patrol wants you!

The Civil Air Patrol wants you!

The Civil Air Patrol wants you! Join the 99th Composite Squadron Arkansas Wing Civil Air Patrol The 99th Composite Squadron, Civil Air Patrol ...
News Briefs

News Briefs

News Briefs The Evening Times prints briefs about events for organizations, schools and governmental agencies. News briefs are accepted at the ...
America’s Responsibility

America’s Responsibility

America's Responsibility Most of us make our decisions every day. When the point comes that someone else is making all of our decisions then that...
01 August 2016
Text The Times.

Text The Times.

Text The Times. Great to se Max got his guitar. I hope he enjoys it [ Editor’s Note: It really was a great moment when he unlatched the case ...


OBITUARIES Family and Faith defined the life of Charlotte Virginia Pratt Harlan, who passed away peacefully Thursday, July 28, 2016. Miss Virginia...
News Briefs

News Briefs

News Briefs The Evening Times prints briefs about events for organizations, schools and governmental agencies. News briefs are accepted at the ...
Where are your priorities?

Where are your priorities?

Where are your priorities? Local Commentary Have you ever just sat down and thought about where most of your priorities fall? Sometimes, I th...
29 July 2016
Text The Times.

Text The Times.

Text The Times. If Mayor Cooper is unhappy with her salary in Turrell, just have her resign and move to Earle. She can run for office, vote a sala...
Results are in: Arkansas Distributing sponsors Carnival 30

Results are in: Arkansas Distributing sponsors Carnival 30

Photo courtesy of DeltaARTS Results are in: Arkansas Distributing sponsors Carnival 30 Arkansas Distributing Company is Tuesday night Big Board...
Hope House ‘Garage Sale’ Saturday

Hope House ‘Garage Sale’ Saturday

Hope House ‘Garage Sale’ Saturday Massive inventory — ‘ Everything Must Go!’ news@theeveningtimes.com Hope House will be having its...
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