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Marion man still looking to city to stop speeders

Marion man still looking to city to stop speeders


Marion man still looking to city to stop speeders

Delta Acres residents says measures have not slowed drivers in neighborhood

They have put up stop signs.

They have put in speed bumps.

They have beefed up police enforcement.

And they are still speeding down Miller Drive and North George in the Delta Acres subdivision in Marion.

The city council agreed to try again by adding another stop sign, but is still reluctant about putting in another speed bump.

Resident Wes Garbarini, who lives in Delta Acres and has continued to bring the problem to the attention of the city council, was back this month and said he will keep coming back until something more is done to stop the problem.

“I have addressed the council several times about speeders in our neighborhood,” Garbarini said.

“And I want to thank Chief (Gary) Kelley for their increased presence in our neighborhood. I know it has helped. But they can’t be there all the time. I just don’t know what else to do other than come here every month and request a speed bump.”

The city already has two speed bumps on Miller Drive and did put up stop signs at North George and South George at Garbarini’s request when he came to the council in 2015.

Garbarini said people are ignoring the stop signs and continue to speed and again asked for a speed bump.

“In my opinion, a speed bump would take care of it,” Garbarini said.

Mayor Frank Fogleman reiterated his concerns about putting in more speed bumps.

“I don’t know what to say,” Fogleman said.

“There are two stop signs and two speed bumps there already. I agree the police can’t be there all the time. I guess I struggle with what’s enough? We could build one high enough to where it almost accomplishes a dead stop. But it also compromises emergency services.

What if another speed bump doesn’t accomplish what you’re after? What do we do then?”

City Attorney James “Jimbo” Hale asked Garbarini if he recognized any of the vehicles of the speeders and suggested he write down the license plate numbers and the city would issue citations.

“Do you know if it is the same individuals who are doing it?” Hale asked. “If you get the license plate number you can come up here and file an affidavit and we can cite them. You will have to come up here and tell the judge they are speeding. If it is the same people, they are going to get tired of coming to court. I’m just trying to offer my assistance. The patient way is to get them in the pocketbook. I’m sure they will slow down.”

“I can try,” Garbarini said.

“It’s a lot of the same people. There are several vehicles. It’s a lot of the same people.”

Councilman Cliff Wood agreed with Hale.

“I think we have too many speed bumps in town as it is,” Wood said. “I think if we hit them in their pockets that will do it as opposed to slowing down our ambulances and fire trucks.”

Councilman David Bigger said the city had a street committee meeting recently and discussed speeding and are looking for solutions.

“You haven’t been forgotten,” Bigger said. “We discussed this as early as yesterday. It is not off our minds.”

Councilman Kelly O’Neal said he would like the city to seriously consider buying traffic cameras that issue automatic citations like Memphis has.

“We were just talking about that,” O’Neal said.

“I’m hoping there is more technology out there.”

Chief Kelley said he has already made some inquiries about the cameras.

“We’re checking on it,” Kelley said.

Street Department Supervisor Gordon Floyd acknowledged Garbarini’s concerns.

“There are already stop signs and already speed bumps on one street,” Floyd said. “And you’ve got North and South George and they are long streets with nothing on them. It’s just stopping them on one street and not the neighborhood.”

Fogleman said the city will put up another stop sign at the intersection of Miller and James Mill in the interim to give the city time to consider other options.

“I’m not being ugly,” Fogleman said. “But my sense is that nothing short of a speed bump is going to accomplish what you’re after. But it also delays emergency services. So there is a balance. My personal

opinion is I am reluctant

about another speed bump there. I would prefer to try other methods. The people who obey it won’t like it. But it may be effective while we are looking at other methods.”

“You can always pull up a stop sign,” Wood added.

“Thank you,” Garbarini said. “I appreciate it.”

By Mark Randall

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