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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.

If Mayor Cooper is unhappy with her salary in Turrell, just have her resign and move to Earle. She can run for office, vote a salary increase and enjoy life. He… that’s what we’ve got now in an already cash-strapped town where our Mayor and Council along with others continue to bleed the treasury dry by accepting salary plus free insurance money family rate, of which several of them wouldn’t need family coverage anyway. C’mon over Ms. Cooper there’s plenty of room, you might even be interested in some of the dilapidated properties that a few of our current and past elected officials own… These slum-lords will make you a deal you can’t resist. Rent plus Section 8 allowance!!! Who could turn that down. [ Editor’s Note: As easy as it is to give the Turrell mayor grief for wanting the higher salary, it actually WAS ths salary… right up until she won the election. I’m not saying the job should or shouldn’t pay $ 2,000 a month, but she is, at least somewhat justifi-ably, upset that the pay was cut in half on the eve of her assumption of office. As for Earle, I’m really hoping to see things turn around there soon]

*** 9 p.m. no paper at horseshoe lake [ Editor’s Note: Sorry, I’ll inform the circulation department]

*** The lights went out at 3:30 this morning at Westwood Acres and they’re still out.

[ Editor’s Note: Everybody complains about the weather, but no one ever does anything about it… Mark Twain said that ( allegedly). Anyway, Foster Rash with the West Memphis Utility said they’re aware of the problem and are working on it. It’s a little bit of a slow- go kind of deal because of the continuing rain. What’s the old bit about the leaky roof? You can’t fix it when it’s raining, and when it’s not raining, it doesn’t leak]

Great to see the community and police summit coverage in the paper. That is exactly the kind of thing that will improve relationships with the people and the police, not shutting down the bridge and not resorting to violence. Good job Mr. Washington!!!

[ Editor’s Note: As you can read in the “ Our View” column today, that’s exactly how we feel as well. Imagine if every community had this sort of rally. It’s over- simplifying it, I know, but the majority of police are great at what they do, and a majority of citizens obey the law, but when the minority among those two groups overlap, that’s when the trouble happens, and events such as the one here would go a long way toward making sure that particular kind of trouble is at a minimum]


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