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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.

I cnt get a straight answer frm any 1 at Earle school and wld like to knw y the high school kids can no longer tutor during the summer or after school prog? We have no grocery store, factory, and you have to be 18 or older to work at the Dollar Store. I refuse to believe they cant find a grand for that I wld also like to knw y none of the school board members know anything and half dnt return calls. Voting is important people. Our kids deserve better and its up to us!! [ Sports Editor Chuck Livingston’s response: That is a stumper. The children are our future, after all. As far as the school board members go, maybe their responsibilities are lighter in the summer but pick back up in the fall? But we’re on the same page as far as the importance of education with the youngsters] … [ Editor’s Note: And I’m back! Thanks for taking the steering wheel for a few days, Chuck! The most likely answer is that the tutoring was being paid for through a grant that may have expired. There’s usually a time factor to those or a fixed budget]

*** Dang. There must be a full time stalker following Mayor Jones around. I would like to see a picture of the w Memphis officer dropping his kid off at school, on the tax payers dime at that. Oh, my bad…I recon I recollects correctly, you all didn’t have a problem with that. Even the potential liability, fine and dandy. A body can’t help but wonder why??? Even when you tried to defend the officer, you made it worse…you said that you didn’t know if the officer was on duty. Think about that for a moment. Be patient, it’ll come to you.

[ Sports Editor Chuck Livingston’s response: I’m not really sure what the comparison is here, so I’ll have to defer my thoughts on this one. When Ralph returns from vacation, maybe he’d shed some light] … [ Editor’s Note: Well, I could reiterate the same line of logic I used last time someone ( perhaps the same someone?) tried to draw a comparison between the mayor of Earle and a police officer from the city of West Memphis using the same examples, but I feel like if it didn’t take the first time…]

*** Our family would just like to say thanks to everyone who came by our home over the holiday weekend to see our tribute to our policemen, firemen and emts!!! We so enjoyed meeting you and explaining the meaning of each flag! Of course didn’t need to explain our big Old Glory flag, we all know who that one is honoring. Again we are very appreciative for our time, and it made our entire tribute worth the effort! Especially when 4 police vehicles came by at the same time, brought tears to our eyes. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!!! [ Sports Editor Chuck Livingston’s response: Independence Day really is the greatest. Great movie, great day, and it gives people reason to dress up like Uncle Sam in the middle of the summer] … [ Editor’s Note: If more people got into the 4th of July like they do Christmas, that’d be pretty cool. Well done!]

*** We the citizens of Earle are excited about the Election Commission findings on ousting the present mayor who has destroyed the town with her lack of knowledge for being mayor. She is a SERVANT of the people, not a DICTATOR which she professes to be. The head count called for has been turned in to the commission and should be carried through into her dismissal and it wouldn’t hurt Judge Wheeless to step in and see that this order is carried out for the betterment of a town in his county also. We are tired of this charade and it needs to end no matter what it takes – lets see some real political action and not let it “slip under the rug.” There is no police protection here, just speed traps and fines – what does that say for the betterment of Earle. We need five people on the city council and get rid of those that are not standing up for vital issues in our city. God bless us, we need it! [ Sports Editor Chuck Livingston’s response: I’ve felt really bad for the good people of Earle that they’ve struggled with their leadership the way that they have. It’s been really sad to watch, even from afar. I don’t know if this is the answer, but I hope some sort of resolution is achieved, and soon] … [ Editor’s Note: Isn’t the time to turn that recall petition coming up soon?]

*** In response to the Earle Community center reopening, hats off to those who really cleaned the facility. You know who you are. A liar will be a liar, so let them have their part in the lake of fire and brimstone.

[ Sports Editor Chuck Livingston’s response: Feeling the love on a Friday morning] … [ Editor’s Note: I gotta say, that’s the first mention of the Lake of Fire in “ Text the Times”]

*** The article concerning the Earle Community Building needs to be corrected. Bobby Luckett and Robert Malone were paid by the city for the work they did on the building. The officials of Earle y’all needs to be in timeout. It ashamed that y’all care out like kids grow up. [ Sports Editor Chuck Livingston’s response: The citizens of Earle have a lot to say this week. Speaking of timeout, I’m pretty excited for football season. The Bulldogs are going to be a little green on the lines, but with proven guys like Gerry Bohanon and Dontrell Johnson back to anchor both sides of the ball, I think they have to be the favorite in the 3- 2A] … [ Editor’s Note: You know, the “ time out” method of discipline is something I though I’d never use as a parent, but it turned out to be fairly effective]


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