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Text The Times.

Text The Times.


Text The Times.

Well sir, since you are trying to heed advice from us older folks about losing our favorite parts of the paper maybe you could concentrate on getting more usable product coupons than what we have been getting, thanks for indulging us, it is kind of fun. Thanks again! [ Editor’s Note: This is actually pretty useful input! Could you be a little more specific. It’s always good to have that kind of data when discussing potential promotions and advertisements with our advertisers. I actually didn’t really appreciate the value of coupons until I started working here. Now, I’m all about 2- for- 1 at Subway or 1/ 2- off at the Southland buffet. And since I’m really cheap ( ask my wife and kids), I always use the paper to find the best deal on Cokes. And yes, by “ cokes,” I mean all soft drinks. Is that weird?]

*** This 4 the people who text da times complaing about things n Marion & West Memphis move 2 north Korea problems solved.

[ Editor’s Note: It is pretty easy to forget how much we really have going for us, even when it might not seem like it. The philosopher Randall H. Williams ( you might know him as “ Hank” once wrote in a song, “ It's true we've got our problems, Lord knows we make mistakes. And every time we solve one, ten others take its place. But you won't see those refugees, heading the other way. Welcome to the U. S. A. today.”]

*** It was so encouraging to see the volunteers and neighbors working together to clean up Harvard Yard. Thank each of you. A job well done.

[ Editor’s Note: It is, indeed, very encouraging to see a community come together to confront a problem that affects the entire neighborhood. That is one thing that I have mentioned frequently in columns and in other writings. Our sense of being part of a greater whole seems to be eroding. How many of us spend any real time with the people that live on our street? Do we look out for each other? Are we willing to work together, even if what we’re working on isn’t “ our” problem. It’s easy to look out our windows and shake our heads when we see something that needs attention.

But you know what ( and I’m including myself in this), if instead of complaining about it or waiting for someone else to take care of it, if we, on a house- by- house, street-by street basis, took the initiative to be a part of something positive, there’s really no limit to what we could accomplish. Yeah, it sounds like one of those inspirational cat posters, or whatever, but it’s true] *** Mr. Editor it seems to me that you are bias about the picture you printed of Mr. Floyds video. My question to you Mr. Editor is why did you just print half of the picture and not all of it! Let the citizens decide for themselves if this is proper conduct for a city of Marion REPRESENTATIVE yes I said representative. After all he is city superintendent or am I wrong? [ Editor’s Note: Hahaha… no, I didn’t run the bottom half of the screen shot. OK, so I feel like I’ve given this whole deal way more ink than is necessary… unless keeping this going is somehow bringing attention to the Winter Rose Project, an organization dedicated to the protection and care of homeless women in the Memphis area. So, here is what I’m going to call the final word ( in “ Text the Times” anyway) on Mr. Floyd’s escapades in the name of charity. If you don’t like it, don’t look at it. If you’re not willing to step in and support the organization Mr. Floyd was supporting, don’t complaint about it. If you think what he was doing in any way relates to his job, whether it’s with the city of Marion or McDonald’s, you’re simply mistaken about Mr. Floyd’s obligations outside of the workplace and don’t understand how living in a free society works. And finally, if you disagree with me, that’s your right. Now, I feel like we can find something else to worry about…]

*** I agree with person about sudoku puzzle, too small, also 2 times puzzle already filled in, someone not paying attention, thanks. [ Editor’s Note: I’ll be the first to admit, I have never really paid that close attention to the Sudoku puzzle, but as I mentioned, I’ll see if we can’t get it a little bigger… and definitely not already filled out]

*** The fed has said “no inflation” But you bought a hair comb lately? It was 89 cents, now at Walgreens it is $2.35 plus tax. [ Editor’s Note: I’ll confess to not being on the cutting edge of hair care equipment costs ( although now that you mention it, my $ 10 haircut has gone up to $ 12 in recent years). Understanding inflation, to me anyway, is about as easy as understanding a calculus problem… in the dark… underwater, so I won’t even speculate. However, you can get a quality comb at the Dollar Tree for a buck, FYI]

*** Kudos and many thanks to the young men of the Marion junior high basketball team for volunteering at the animal shelter. It is refreshing to know that there are young people out there that want to help and donate their time to a worthy cause. [ Editor’s Note: Like the recent efforts in Harvard Yard, and a couple of weeks ago in Sunset, as I mentioned then, people, even in small groups, working together can get some pretty cool things done. So, good job, gentlemen!]


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